What is interesting to see Nassau?


Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas and a major city. About 210 thousand people live here. Of course, it is a paradise corner, a Bounty island, and in general, one of the best places for high-quality beach holidays. But, if you didn't completely leave the forces during the holidays and you are ready to walk a little and resemble the terrain, which is where you can go to Nassau.

Nassau Water Tower (Nassau Water Tower)

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With this water tower on the town opens a completely crazy look! The tower is high enough, about 40 meters in height. And in general, this construction is considered practically a Nassau symbol! The tower was built in 1928, and the money was allocated by the US government. Here, in general, everything you can tell about this tower!

Address: Elizabeth Avenue (next to Finexle Fort)

Parliament Square

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Parliamentary Square is the heart of the city. The name, respectively, because the Parliament Building is located on the square. Of course, there is not only one parliament on the square, there are still a number of other administrative buildings of 18-19 centuries, but they are not very interesting. They are distinguished clear geometric shapes and modest decorations. But a small park nearby is even cute and suitable for walking. The main decoration of the Square is a monument to the Queen of Victoria, which is made from marble.

Address: Parliament St

Fort Charlotte (Fort Charlotte)

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At the top of the hill near Nassau there is this beautiful port. Fort was named after the wife of the king of George third islands. And the fort built for defensive purposes at the end of the 18th century to escape from the onslaught of pirate ships. The construction from all sides is surrounded by a moat with water, and the walls are located in the walls. By the way, the walls are very thick - they are impossible to break through even a cannonal core! Probably, so today the fort is still in such an excellent condition, despite all the adversities and attacks. Inside the complex you can see soldier and officer barracks, and even the preserved guns that defended the harbor and ditch: 10 guns and 42 guns. On the territory of Fort today is the museum. In addition, the place where this massive structure is located is quite picturesque, more precisely, the opening panoramic species that are shook to the depths of the soul. From the observation deck of Fort, you can admire the Aravak-Kay artificial island.

Address: W Bay St, Nass Nassau

Nassau Public Library (Nassau Public Library)

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The library building is located in the building of the late 18th century, which is noticeably from afar due to its unusual octagonal shape and pink color of the walls. And the inner interior is no less beautiful. Interestingly, the library here was not always - earlier the building occupied a prison, but in 1879 they began to keep books and a couple of rooms were given under reading rooms. Impressive collection of engravings, newspapers, maps, postage stamps and historical documents of colonial times, which are in this reading room. Place the most interesting! Such a beautiful puppet house! Visit him and truth is worth it. The library here is a fairly popular place, and more than 5,000 people are registered and actively use the benefits of the bookflash. Fortunately, the entrance to the library is free, but to make photos within it is prohibited. Climb on the third floor of the building - from the windows you can admire a beautiful view of the surroundings.

Address: Shirley Street

Rowson Square

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There is a square as well in the central part of the city. On the square you can see such interesting buildings as Churchill's house, and nearby is the old town with its old buildings. In the center of the square there is a statue of Sir Milo Batler, the first Bahamas general governor. This area is known for the festivals of carnivals and important urban events. On the usual days, there you can see shopping shops and musicians, as well as numerous cafes and shops.

Address: Perekrestok Bay Street and Prince George-Verf

Garden Adastra Gardens (Ardastra Gardens)

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The Botanical Garden, Zoo and Park-Reserve, which represents valuable and common samples of flora and fauna of the Caribbean, is located on a fairly large area. About 300 animals live here, and this zoo is the largest in the region. And what are the flamingos go there! A walk through this park is a completely amazing occupation - in the shadow of incredible trees and shrubs, past the luxurious colors surrounded by wonderful flavors - what could be better!

Address: next to chippingham rd. (closer to the coast and island of Aravak - Kay)

Delaporte Beach Beach (Delaporte Beach Point Beach)

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Well, everything is clear here. The main value of the paradise islands, still, its beaches. So, the most luxurious beaches are here here. I recommend visit the deposit-Point Beach beach, which is the continuation of the famous Cable Beach Beach. This is a kind of oasis of life in the style of "Luxury" - expensive restaurants, shops and casinos and villas in Venetian style. The price tags are excavated, but no one makes lay out the large amounts of money in the cafe. Here you can come to enjoy the beauty of nature!

Nassau Straw Market (Nassau Straw Market)

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What is interesting to see Nassau? 8708_10

In fact, this is the largest market in the Baha Marry Islands and, as stated, the largest market in the world. And the straw he is because here you can buy interesting products from straw, all handmade. It can be baskets, hats, mats and mats and souvenirs. The market can be found next to the famous Bay Street, which in itself is a popular tourist town. The market works daily from 7.00 to 20.00, but it's more interesting here in the afternoon or a little closer to the evening - the hottest trading! If you find yourself there, you definitely taste the jelly from Guauva, which can be found in almost every store.

Address: Bay Street

Paradise Island Island

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Located this small island is very close to Nassau, just east. The most popular place on the island is the resort of Atlantis, which attracts tourists with its wonderful conditions for a luxurious holiday. Plus, it is a stunning sandy beaches with sandy sands of almost white, rich coral reefs and azure waves, as well as comfortable golf courses, water park, casino and shops.

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