Where to go to Quito and what to see?


Quito is not easy city, this is the place where the old colonial architecture was mixed with modern buildings into a single organic tangle. In this city, you can walk along the paved roads to get in touch with real beauty. Especially as Quito is, than boasting. His rich cultural heritage is open for inquisitive people. And after examining even a small part of churches, museums and monasteries you understand why the city became the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Nevertheless, what should I see in Quito?

The historic center can be a symbolic beginning of acquaintance with the city, or rather - Independence Square (La Plaza Grande) . Its central part decorates the independence monument in the form of the goddess of freedom, at the foot of which the symbol is the end of the Spanish dominion - the outgoing ferocious wounded lion. On the perimeter, the square borders with the government palace, the municipality, the Palace of Archbishop and the Cathedral. In itself, the area is not particularly noteworthy: ordinary shops surrounded by greens and ordinary policemen walking around the monument. An unusual appearance for tourists can be cleaners of shoes. There are a lot of them on the square. For a small boys, your shoes or shoes are truly shiny. Only here, unlike solid locals, travelers are confused to resort to the services of agile cleaners.

After the inspection of the area can be visited Government palace Absolutely free, defending some time in line. Then it will be necessary to take a reconciliation of personality and start studying the palace. The courtyard with a fountain, a mosaic cloth on a staircase, a meeting room and a gallery with portraits of all the presidents of Ecuador open for tourists. Photographing the interior of the palace is allowed.

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After a tour of the palace, it is worth looking into souvenir shops on the ground floor and go on to inspection CateDral Metropolitana de Quito) . It is a majestic building with a tiled roof. Inside the cathedral, you can see the striking elements of a wooden gilded thread and a luxurious altar. Also in this place are buried the remains of all urban bishops who served in Quito from the middle of the XVI century. A visit to the cathedral costs $ 1.5 for adults and 1 dollar for children. On Sunday, the cathedral is closed.

See and evaluate the real magnificence of the religious side of the Ecuadorian capital during the visit Basilica (Basílica Del Sagrado Voto Nacional) . It is located at the intersection of the central street Venezuela and the street CARCHI. Getting to Basilica, you will have to overcome the steep rise of the street, but it is worth it. Even the air silhouette of the Basilica voiced from the entire historic part of Quito produces an impression.

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Near the building looks even more amazing. Elements of various architectural styles are mixed in it, but it does not spoil the general exterior. Basilica is still not completed, despite the fact that its construction began in 1833.

By paying 2 dollars, you can make an elevator on the elevator, and then on the wooden bridge to reach the vertical screw staircase leading to the top of the basilica. And everything for the beautiful panorama of the city and the opportunity to admire the opportunity to unusual sculptures, adorning the building and openwork and clock towers in front of you.

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Inside the cat looks more modest. Its interior is decorated with arched parishes and glass stained glass windows. There is an unusual altar with a heart and a special statue of a priest surrounded by schoolchildren in the cathedral.

However, the pearl of Quito considers not the basilica at all, but an extravagant Church of the Society of Jesus (Iglesia de La Compañía de Jesús) . It is located on Garcia Moreno Street and looks quite traditionally. The gray building of the Church, made of Baroque Vulcan Stone, does not make a special impression.

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The unsurpassed spectacle awaits tourists inside. The walls, arches and crops of the church are covered with tinted gold. Everything around glitters and shines. Among the decorating walls, painting is highlighted with an image of hell. It is attributed to Hernando de la Cruz brushes. According to local residents, until recently, she served as an intention for those who did not follow the Catholic commandments. In the church is forbidden to photograph. The ministers are strictly followed by visitors and offer memory acquisitions and photobook about the church. You can admire the gold beauty daily. From Monday to Friday, the doors are open from 9:30 to 17:30, on Saturday - until 16:30, and on Sunday, the church has been working from 13:30 to 16:30. A ticket for an adult costs 3 dollars, children inspect the interior for $ 1.5.

Now you have only to look at the oldest church of Quito. It is located at the corner of San Francisco Square and is the rust of the city. The church and the monastery are called the same name with the square. And twin towers San Francisco Church They are considered a segal business card of the city. Inside the church is decorated with gold and fine carvings on the tree. Impressive visitors stained glass and altar. You can inspect this magnificence any day until 18:00.

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However, many tourists come to San Francisco Square closer in the late afternoon, when the bell tower of the church is starting to highlight.

In the old chito there are not only churches and cathedrals, but bohemian places. One of them is pedestrian Street La Ronda . On this oldest street of the city, artists and artisans exhibit their work. The romantic atmosphere on a narrow, but beautiful street creates forged balconies, flower pots on the windows and actors that arrange small street performances.

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Photos taken here are bright and transmitting the colors of the city itself. Life is boiling on the street not only in the afternoon, but at night, when cafes and restaurants are opened. By the way, the walk through La Ronda leads travelers to the place where you can make a rise on Panecillo Hill.

Located on the hill structure has a huge religious value. This is thirty-meter Statue of the Virgin Mary - Patrone of Quito. It can be seen from any corner of the Old Town, but it is still going to go to the hill for a closer acquaintance.

In addition, from there, a beautiful view of the surrounding heights and the main squares of the city opens. And the harmony of the whole old Quito is visible.

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