Ultsin - Resort for Family


Actually planned to go on vacation to Croatia. But it turned out that Raclama did his work and Croatia for a family of three people (drove with a six-year-old child and wife) a little expensive was. So they stopped in Montenegro, on the city with the longest sandy beach Ultsin. And not a single moment did not regret it! There is just an awesome atmosphere, starting from the courtyard in which we removed the room, and ending with restaurants where we went to dinner. Dining did not want to eat - they fed on the beach in a cafe and bars all sorts of salads vegetable, fruit and fish. The beach itself in the city is just beginning, and stretches for more than thirteen and a half kilometers and here everyone can find a place! But it was the impression that all tourists (most of our Russian) are specially lighted to each other in order to have to talk to and loudly exchange views on the topic and prices, and the beauty of the coast, and the hospitality of local residents. On the beach you can not walk anywhere, but buying sweet corn, watermelons cut by slices, grapes right at the peddler of this good.

We were with a son therefore night recreation this time was not for us :) But in the town there are many discos and nightclubs - everything is in taking care of those who want to relax and warm up at the same time! In the evenings walked around the local exchange rate and admired the most beautiful views, breathing the smell of the clean sea and the fresh breeze. From here very close to Albania - you can go on a rental car and get double pleasure if you like to ride on mountain roads. We managed to take advantage of a small cruise on a walking boat for 40 passengers - 80 euros paid along the rocky shores. This cost also includes the possibility of half an hour to swim with scuba in the instructor's society. Children under 7 years old, if they are with their parents have the opportunity to ride for free. We returned with a version. This time of day here is generally unmatched, but very short - in the mountains day immediately goes into the night :) !! It must be remembered if you get out of the city on the kebab.

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The kitchen here is divinely tasty! A variety of cheeses, vegetables, meat of fish and other gifts of the sea is simply incomprehensible. Fish is served on the table only the morning half. And in some restaurants you can even choose in special aquariums still floating fish, and after 30-40 minutes it is already eating it. A kebab and a goulash here at all are not like the taste of those to which we are accustomed - here there is a huge abundance of all sorts of herbs and seasonings complement the smell, and the taste of meat itself. But I especially liked the pepper stuffed, baked with a cheese crust. It serves several types of sauces and just olive oil. Here it is very high quality.

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And the smell, and the color themselves "scream." Ultsin - very attractive. And I do not even know that I played a big role in our decision on the next summer. Back here: whether availability in the price plan, whether the unobtrusive courtesy of local residents. But the fact that the Balkan cuisine has its merit is undoubtedly!

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