Decorating Ottawa


After arrival in Ottawa, as well as in walking with the hotel, located near the city center, near the channel Roudo and the Parliamentary Hill, we did not hide, went to inspect these, not far from each other are located, attractions.

It was very surprising to see gothic complexes in the modern capital.

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This is how it is possible to characterize the parliament building and adjacent to it, facilities. Actually, next to the parliament, there is a small area with green plantings, where local Canadians are often spent. On the square there is no less interesting place - the eternal flame burning in water as a symbol of unity of two elements.

By the way about Channel Rido. In winter, when the water in it freezes and the surface is taken by a strong ice crust, the channel turns into an 8-kilometer roller on which the owners of ice skates in the morning and before the evening can spend their free time.

The next place in which we went was the National Picture Gallery, where the exhibition of Vincent Van Gogh was the exhibition. Not only the works of the famous artist became the main object of our curiosity. Just perfectly looked a chapel inside the gallery. I think here comments are superfluous.

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What can be said about the inhabitants of the capital? This is a stunning people! First of all, they are very funny and cheerful, ready to help at any moment. And these are people who love nature. In Ottawa, there are several parking areas, walking on which we have once met young people, a pleasantly spent time. Someone rides on the rollers, others prefer more relaxed activities: reading books or listening to music. And the third and at all prefer to remain alone with themselves.

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In general, rest in Ottawa leaves only the warmest memories. Here, the greatness of old buildings and the originality of new structures are surprisingly well combined. This place, a rest in which will please even the most spoiled travelers. Riding in the capital of Canada is equally pleasant both in the summer and winter.

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