What interesting places should be visited in Lublin?


Lublin is a city to which there is something to show.

What interesting places should be visited in Lublin? 8664_1

The exact date of the base of Lublin is not reliably known. Some argue that it was founded in the fifth century, the other, that in the sixth, and the third and at all assure the fact that Lublin was founded in the seventh century.

What interesting places should be visited in Lublin? 8664_2

Is it interesting? Our goal is not to enter into disputes with historians, we will be better talking about the most remarkable places of this wonderful city.

What interesting places should be visited in Lublin? 8664_3

Sights of Lublin..

Cathedral . Initially, this cathedral was erected for the orders of Jesuits. The construction of the Cathedral occurred in 1583-1605. The cathedral has undergone many rebuildings, but in 1751, after a fire, he acquired a baroque look at all. The famous Jozeph Mauer performed the painting of the cathedral in 1755-57, and it was at that time the famous "acoustic sacristy" was built at that time.

Trinitarian Tower . She is located near the Cathedral. The tower was built in the seventeenth century. It is the highest structure in the old town.

Dominican monastery . Represents a whole complex of buildings. This complex includes eleven chapels, the church and the monastery itself. St. Stanislav's Church and the Dominican Monastery, founded King Casimir Great in 1342, not far from the walls of the Old Town. The church was built in the Gothic style. He served as the repository for the relics of the Holy Cross, which safely taken out from Kiev. The fire, which happened in 1575, destroyed most of the old city, he taped and this monastery. The temple was restored, but the style in which he was originally built, it was not possible to restore. Now it looks like a mixture of styles, such as Baroque, Renaissance, Rokkoco and even the features of classicism in it are present. There are some information that in the walls of this monastery, a well-known Act of UII on the creation of the Commonwealth in 1569 was signed.

Lublin Castle . Now this is a museum, so the type of castle is the same structure only outside. The castle itself, was built in the sixteenth century by King Casimir Great, but from the original we got only the chapel of the Holy Trinity and Donta. It was in the old castle that there was a marked event for the history of the event, such as wedding for the kingdom of Vladislav Yagello, the meeting of the Sejm, which ended with the signing of the Lyublovka Union, which began the beginning of the new state of the Commonwealth. In the seventeenth century, the castle, who enjoyed the love of the Yagellon dynasty, was destroyed. The building built in a neo-style style, which is now highly towers on the castle hill, built in 1824-1826, but not as a castle, but as a prison building. This castle has been a prison for many hundred and twenty-eight years. In 1954, the prison was closed, and in 1957 the Lublin Museum opened here.

Orthodox-Catholic Chapel . It is amazing with the fact that it is a unique structure throughout Poland. The uniqueness lies in the fact that this is the fully preserved Catholic Church with the painting in the Orthodox tradition. Above the painting of the temple, not one artist worked and this process took the whole three years.

Jesuit Church . The modest structure that is harmoniously adjacent to the houses adjacent to it. It has a roof of green, oblong windows and made in a pleasant light color. They were erected in the seventeenth century. It is noteworthy that the construction took about two decades.

Grodsky gate. . Through these gates, you can get to the historically important territory of Lublin - the old town. The gate, built in the fourteenth century and they were part of the defensive wall. The gate, completely renovated and now you can admire how much doubling wishes.

Market Square of the Old Town . You will not be mistaken if you call this area the most beautiful, because it really is. In the center of the square there is a building of the Crown Tribunal. Around the square is compact and very cozy, mansions built in a wide variety of styles. Overall citizens lived in these mansions, and now in these buildings there are museums, restaurants, shops and cafes. The most beautiful of the mansions, currently fully restored and renovated, belonged to the family of hemp. During the walk, be sure to pay attention to the buildings, because many of them are decorated with very interesting, you can even say curious ornaments.

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