Where to go to Nazareth and what to see?


Nazareth is the most sacred place for Christians around the world. It was in this city that Jesus was born, and it was here that his childhood passed. This city is full of interesting places that deserve close attention.

Sights of Nazareth.

Church of Annunciation . This is the most important attraction of Nazareth. According to archaeological research, the grottle cult, in which Archangel Gabriel brought the joyful, good news of the Virgin Mary, refers to the third century of our era. It was at this time that the first church of Jewish Christians was built. The second church, which is a compact structure with a circular apse, as well as atrium located in the West Wing, was erected by Elena's empress in the fourth century. From the chronicle, it becomes known that the church further was increased by Konon Jerusalem. Then a small monastery was attached to the southern wing of the church, which unfortunately was destroyed by Persians in six hundred and fourteenth year. At the very beginning of the twelfth century, the prince of tancred, the third church was built, which was significantly more in its size than the previous two. The third church, it was possible to stand up to one thousand two hundred and sixty-third year, because this year the barbarians were destroyed, who literally demolished her from the face of the earth. Only the grotto survived. Until one thousand seven hundred and thirtieth year, this place was empty and did not build anything here. And here is Franciscans, Taki achieved permission to build a new church. The new church, differed from his predecessors, the fact that her facade looked north, and the choir was located just over the grotto themselves. The church that Franciscans built was demolished in one thousand nine hundred and fifty-fifth year, but no longer barbarians, but in order to build a new temple on this sacred place. The new church was built in one thousand nine hundred and sixty-ninth year, and it was she who today is the most important of all churches in Israel. The church was erected on the remnants of old walls, so descending into the grotto, you can see the details of the preceding buildings.

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Sacarean monastery . On the territory of this monastery there is a basilica. So over the altar of this basilica, the figure of Jesus is located at the age of sixteen.

Fountain of Virgin Mary. . Very beautiful fountain, which is located in one and a half kilometers from the Church of Annunciation. There is a number of contradictions, since the apocryphal gospel argues that the first phenomenon of the Archangel Gabriel Virgin Mary was at the Fountain, which was in the village. The modern fountain is absolutely elsewhere, which is stated in the Holy Scripture. A more reliable version is assumed that the real fountain is under the altar of the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Gabriel.

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Franciscan Church "Table of Christ" . In this church, a part of the stone table is 3.6 meters long and three meters width. At this table, Jesus Christ, divided the meal with his disciples.

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Church of St. Joseph . This church was built over the cave, in which once there was a workshop of Joseph. In its depths, the storage room for products and water containers are preserved, the time of Nazareth, in which Jesus lived.

Church of the Synagogue . Now, this temple belongs to the Greek Catholic Community. On the left side of the passage to the church, there is a door that leads to the synagogue that Jesus once visited. The synagogue itself is unfortunately not preserved, but the scientist managed to establish that it was built no earlier than in the sixth century of our era.

Ditch . A relatively small town, which is in eight kilometers from Nazareth. This city is known primarily by the fact that it was here that Jesus created his first miracle turning wine into ordinary water. In the same city is located Franciscan church , built on the place of the house in which Maria and Joseph won.

As you can see, Nazareth is not a resort, but a historic place sacred for pilgrims. If you want to introduce children to history and just personally for yourself, learn a lot of new things, be sure to go to Nazareth. I want to add from myself that in Nazareth an amazing energy that gives an amazing feeling of serenity and peace.

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