Shopping in Taormina: What can I buy?


Old Taormina is a small street from some gates to others. It can be slow from end to the end and therefore you want or not, but you will have time for shopping. Of course, the choice of things in Taormina is limited, as the shops of the whole couple, but there are good discounts.

But the choice of souvenirs is very good here. On the street there are several characteristics in the famous Maitolike. I will remind you that Maitolika in Russian is customary to call Yaroko painted faience (Porcechen). The second is worth paying attention to - typical Italian corals. Here, as anywhere in Italy, a good choice and reasonable prices. Another typical Italian jewelry is made of black volcanic glass. They are even more characteristic of the south of Sicily, since Etna volcano is actually near. At the end, at the exit from this single street - a perfume shop. For Sicily, fresh citrus smells are considered characteristic. In principle, of course, you can buy anything, but this will not be typically Sicilian souvenir and will not be associated with Taormina.


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Perfume shop

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Shopping in Taormina: What can I buy? 8652_4

All other souvenirs are edible on Taormina. Typical for Sicily Alcohol - Sweet Wine Fastened from Muscat Alessandria, it is called Zibbobo. In addition to him, many lemon lyters and lemon citades will be sold. This is also a characteristic souvenir. Third that I personally is very very and very advised - marzipan. Marcipanes There are absolutely fantastic shapes and colors: fruits, agricultural things ... That's what they should be taken with you.

If you decide to eat something typical and you are not frightened by a slow taste, they buy "cream tubes", sprinkled by crocanthome - carneloni. True, Taiga Halturitis and crocanth (ground roasted walnut) are made from peanuts. Well, of course, the excellent Italian coffee espresso. That's actually all that can be advised here if you do not stay in Taormina more than one day in a madly respectable hotel. The town is isolated from the rest of Sicily, getting into it difficult and an ordinary person here longer than one day to do just nothing. Although, of course, everything is very unusual and interesting

Incredible marzipans

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