First journey abroad - Krakow


Many travelers begin their tourist career from neighboring countries. So I, at one time, did not exception - my first calamity beyond the country was a trip to the majestic Krakow. I remember now my joyful anticipation and your own puzziness during the overcoming of the track - what is waiting for me there, how other nations live, can something surprise me as much as possible St. Petersburg? Here with such a luggage thought I rushed towards unknown. I remember the first thing I was pleased with the condition of the road and the presence of a special fence of the road, as well as bridges for the transition of animals to the other side. This is perhaps the first plusion that I put the abroad in my imaginable rating of impressions. And then everything rushed at an incredible speed, and for a long time to argue about something, there was no longer a free minute.

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Krakow captivated me with its beauty and extensity. I noted that the locals of the souls do not make in their hometown, they are proud of the fact that Krakow takes an honorable place in the tourist routes. The truth of my words is confirmed by the state of the city as a whole, as well as individual corners. Here, they take care not only for valuable attractions, but also for ordinary areas. It seems to me that each local resident makes his contribution daily to the development of Krakow and its reform. And you know, in my opinion, only in this way, only one thing is possible to achieve prosperity at the habitat. After what he saw, I got to the Poles in deep respect, I wanted me insanely that my countrymen take this positive life experience to the maximum. For some reason, in our country, it is customary to sit and wait for Manna Heaven - that someone will come and will do well, but only units are capable of independent actions. Although I believe with all my heart that our people will understand this golden truth and will not wait to wait for changes, but to create them with their own hands.

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In general, my acquaintance with Krakow passed canceled. I returned to my native fenats, crowded with positive emotions and ammunition plans for future trips. Those who are only preparing for their first round I will be partly envy, because the first tourist time is only once, and having our own experience of the coup of consciousness from travel, I understand how much this very first warrior is invaluable and amazing.

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