Island, like the sun is hot, - Crete


The most desirable, most famous, strongest is the largest among Greece, Crete Island. I gathering here I knew that I would definitely want not only to soak on the sandy beaches of this beautiful forefather of Greek mythology, but also to look a little in his soul to understand why he was attractive not only for Europeans, but also tourists from America and Canada. Exciting breathing Landscape solutions of modern architects here very harmoniously wake up with architectural monuments and archaeological attractions ... Currently, Greece is experiencing a financial crisis, but at the hospitality of hotels and those who are ready to rent an apartment for the "slightly cheaper", this is in no way Does not impose a negative print! Here, as before, there are also discounts in stores, and regular customer cards in travel firms. And Greek airlines provide tourists pretty much more opportunities to save :) Greece is the mountains and the sea, and Crete is a fabulous mountains and the sea! And all the roads in Crete lead to ... Sea!

Island, like the sun is hot, - Crete 8627_1

You can accurately fly here, not reserving the hotel - a crowd of local residents will be held at the airport, ready to offer for a very moderate fee of a room with or without it ... During the day it will be necessary to pay from 30 to $ 70 dollars, depending on the remoteness of the beaches and View from the window. Crete is the evenings full of music and dancing, this is a sea of ​​coffee, juices, sweet watermelons, hot sun and refreshing breeze ... Crete is not only mythology - this is a modern fairy tale! A Russian-based dance instructor will be suitable on the beach and will suggest joining the group of compatriots for learning the incendiary from Greek dances - Syrtaki. And do not refuse - you will not work. Even if you do not start dancing with everyone - Join the dance under the influence of an increasing musical wave!

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On the beach, I met not only with vacationers, but with our compatriots who still remained here to live here ... There are so many of them that you can even forget that you are not in Russia! Everywhere hear native speech, but already with the intonation of the local color :). There is something to see, there is something to do, there is something to please the taste receptors - this is a place where everyone will find something that his hobbies and please! Well, the kitchen ... Greek cuisine is a separate head of fairy tales! All sorts of vegetable casseroles with the addition of sea gifts and whether meat ... Fruit soups and soups from local catch fish ... and cabbage rolls ... :) The cabbage rolls are prepared here using minced meat, grape leaf. Souces are prepared from yogurt or with the addition of fresh juice of the sweet tomato. Be sure to try this miracle cooking, drinking it with tomato juice.

Island, like the sun is hot, - Crete 8627_3

The Greeks call this island "strong" (Krateia - strong), I would call him "hot." Ten days flew in solid tours of local shrines, shopping hikes, visits to restaurants with unforgettable dishes ... Ten days - too short time to match Crete. But ten days is enough to fall in love with his pure waters, well-groomed beaches, good-natured inhabitants ... Enough to desire to return!

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