Livadia - royal modesty


The cleaner sea is not only in the Crimea, but on the whole of the Black Sea coast - in Livadia. Local microclimate from tsarist times was used to treat cardiovascular diseases. And during the time of the USSR, there was the most "Bloom" health resort for high ranks. Probably, it played some role in my choice of a place to prevent health :). At the very entrance to Livadia, the building was struck by the building of the former Tsarist Power Plant, which is now converted into one of the most famous organ halls in Europe. Unique sound, according to local residents, this monumental tool received thanks to the same microclimate ...

I arrived in Livadia in half May, when at home and their balconies turned into a solid bouquet of lilac flowers of wisteria, and the beds and the townspeople of the town fascinated by the multi-colored rose roses of various varieties! On the approach to the Livadian Palace, the eyes opened a beautiful picture of blooming attachment clubs.

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It was thought that not only the cypress-cedar grove helped the doctors to treat our ancestors, and the positive of the fabulous landscapes of this wonderful corner overflow. In addition to the well-deserved glory of the best health resort, Livadia fell into historical guidebooks due to the fact that a conference was held in the local palace between Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt ... But I was more captured by the aristocratic modesty of the living room of her imperial majesty. Modestly and tasteful, without deliberate pathos ...

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I got here on vacation at the most beautiful time of the year, when the town of White Rose is held in the town. A huge number of Livadian Park Clumbus decorate this place the color of the color of the white queens of flowers! Eye to tear it impossible ... Roses, wisteria and lilac on the background of the closure sea and sky ... Paradise combination! I was told that once Livadia was considered the capital of Roses of Crimea ...

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The most famous landmark of Livadia is the 150-year-old eponymous park, thanks to which it is the sea coast and has such a healing effect for people with a weakened cardiovascular system. Livadia is located only three kilometers from Yalta and on the tracks of the Livadia Park you can walk both to the beach and to the mysterious swallow socket. I walked along landscaped allets, sometimes moving to the steps, and enjoyed the smell of the sea and cedar. Here, all the space under the ceders is covered with a thick layer of needles. The view that opens after the release of them this park is capturing the spirit! It is the same swallow nest!

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If you want to break away from civilization and take a trip to the past - this is the best place that you can imagine. Livadia beaches deserve special attention. They are not wide here, as in most resorts. But the pebbles are multi-colored, smooth, - allows you to make a massage stop when walking the bosyak! :) Specialists who work at this resort - real masters of their business ... You can use the usual massage, and procedures with the use of modern devices ... I liked the local atmosphere of calm and gear ... everything is so in a kingdom :)

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This resort was remembered by the fact that in two weeks of my holiday there was not a single drop of rain! But the heat was not felt, even though the thermometer's column never fell below +29 degrees! If you want to spend your vacation with a guaranteed sunny sky and the freshest air - this is your place!

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