The most interesting places on the Balaton.


Here are what sights can be seen in the area of ​​Lake Balaton, the largest in Central Europe.

Palace and Park Ensemble Festetich

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_1

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_2

The first-built castle in the Neo-Baroque castle in the vicinity of Balaton was erected in 1745. Initially, the castle was small enough, but to today, the day rushed to a large building. The library wing was attached only at the end of the 18th century - about 100 thousand books are stored in this place, including rare specimens, as well as rare engraving, and notes with Gaidn autographs. This castle is the national domain of the country. One of the owners of the castle at the end of the 18th century founded in Kessethey (coastal town) First to Europe Agricultural Institute, and in the castle twice a year a literary festival "Helikon" was held with the participation of students of this university. Now in the castle there is a museum, which is also called "Helikon".

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_3

In the halls of the first floor there are samples of Hungarian weapons of different eras. As for the internal decoration, it is truly luxuriously frescoes, gilded details, carved fireplaces, exclusive vases, candelabra - everything in the castle stores the atmosphere of the estate of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The dining rooms of those times turned into a concert hall where theatrical performances, operas and operetta are carried out, as well as balls. A collection of carriages, wagons and other crews is exhibited on the stables. No less beautiful park with fifth species of plants, artificial pond, waterfall and fountain with drinking water. The place is truly luxurious! Next to the castle is the area, which is considered the main one from medieval times. On the square there is an equestrian statue and sculpture of the Holy Trinity in the eastern part.

Address: Kastély Utca, Keszthely

Ceramics store in Dieneshdias

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_4

The house of ceramics in this small village was built about 160 years ago. The construction is made in the style of the People's Architecture of the Balaton region. In this house, you can not only buy yourself a beautiful souvenir, but also to watch the process of making decorations, and even try to do something with your own hands. The house is located on a quiet, cozy street on the north shore of the lake.

Address: 6 Csillag UTCA 15, Gyenesdias

Parliament Layout in Kesthey

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_5

This is a completely unique creation, which can be found in Kesthely. The layout consists of five million shells! In general, it is difficult to imagine how it was all done by the hands of a person. The length of the layout is 7.5 meters, and the height is 2.5 meters, and this is an exact copy of the Budapest Parliament. This work is unique, there is no analogues in any museum of the world.

Address: Kossuth Lajos UTCA 11, Keszthely

Tower on Freedom Square in Siofok

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_6

This is the main attraction of the city of Siofok, which is located on the southern shore of Balaton. The tower can be found on the central square of the city I (Freedom Square). The 45-meter tower was performed earlier useful function - it was waterproof, but today it is a monument. The construction of wood, which is noticeable from anywhere in the city, was erected in 1912 and was still preserved in excellent condition. The lower tier tiers are decorated with vertical gardens from living garden vegetation.

Address: Siófok, Fő Tér 11

House Pethhe

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_7

The house at number 22 was built in the XVIII century in the style of Baroque. And this small house is known because in 1830 the Hungarian composer Kari Goldmark was born here. Today the museum is a museum that is dedicated to the "Hungarian Sea". In the courtyard near the house is the synagogue of the 18th century.

Address: Kossuth Lajos Street 22, Keszthely

Hotel-Palace Fried Castle

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_8

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_9

This is a relatively young building, because it was built at the beginning of the 20th century by a rich Hungarian industrialist who ordered to build this palace as a gift for the anniversary of the wedding his wife. The location where the palace is located, extremely picturesque-vineyards, forests, lake Mislai, Shio River - one pleasure here to walk. As for the castle itself, inside it is beautiful: figure parquet of expensive wood, wooden ceilings, a unique staircase, decorated with dragons figures, carved luxury handmade furniture. Of course, accommodation in this hotel is worth a lot, but all 33 pleasures are accompanying, a heated pool, sauna, jacuzzi., Kehelban, horseback riding and fishing on the lake. And in the restaurant, the hotel serves wines that are made of grapes from local vineyards. At the same time, you can visit the wine cellar in this estate hotel.

Address: Malom UTCA 31-42, SIMONTORNYA

Tikhansky abbey

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_10

The abbey was built on the site of old earthen fortresses in 1055 by order of the Hungarian King Andrash. Officially, the abbey is the name of the Most Holy Virgin and St. Anyas. By the way, the king died five years after the end of the construction of the building and was buried in the monastery crypt. Interestingly, the document on the establishment of the abbey is one of the oldest monuments of Hungarian writing, and in it for the first time among the Latin text there are about 100 words in Hungarian. The monastery experienced difficult times, surrendered in a variety of battles and attacks, but at the beginning of the 18th century he was demolished, and soon rebuilt on the ruins a new fortress, which, alas, burned down the dot. As a result, only crypt (underground vaulted premises under the altar and choral parts of the temple) in the romanesque style was preserved. The carved altars from the tree are impressive, which are given to the 18th century, the real work of art. Altars were created for two years, and for the work of the master did not even pay.

Address: 8237 Tihany, I. András Tér

Wine Church in Siofok

She is located in the city of Shtoragliauhai, in the center of Hungarian winemaking. By the way, even on the coat of arms of the city depicts a grape cluster. The most interesting thing is that the wine church is the only one in Hungary, which does not belong to any of the religions, and its main purpose there has always been only storage of wine - there is enough space for 12 thousand hectoliters of this drink. The place is very valuable, in the cellar ripen the wines for several centuries.

Museum of Marzipan in Kesteshee

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_11

The most interesting places on the Balaton. 8602_12

The Confectionary Museum offers and see and try. The main pride of the museum is marzipan castle, a wonderful confectionery. The remaining delicious exhibits also deserve attention, although they look a little more modest. Great place to buy souvenirs by native.

Address: Keszthely, Katona Jozsef UTCA 19

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