Bodrum - Turkish Ibiz


When I was going on vacation to the Aegean Sea, somehow doubt about the stories of acquaintances about the beauty and liberty of this Turkish city. It was my first visit to the Muslim country, because too carefully chose outfits - starting from the beach and ending with the evening :). But as soon as he left the car driver, who was carefully brought from the airport to the hotel - all fears disappeared: many people in seven swimsuits or only slightly with covered bodies wandered through the territory of the hotel and were sitting under sheds. "Beauty!" - I thought and immediately went with my husband to the nearest bazaark, in order to replenish my wardrobe :) In Turkish bazaars you can buy everything: ranging from matches and ending with a mass of brilliant rhinestones of evening dresses. And also hookahs, smoking tubes, tobacco and flavors for it, all sorts of oriental souvenirs ... In the summer, these "boutiques" work around the clock! Probably not to miss a single buyer :)

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Every night, Bodrum comes to the thousands of a thousand walks in the boarding school, noisy groups of young Englishmen, Poles, Germans and our Russians ... There is one "cereal place", which must be used for its direct appointment - to complete all night! This is a huge, accompanying up to 5 thousand vacationers at the same time, the night disco Halikarnas Disco. No other local clubs withstand competition with this complete music, cheerful noise, diversity of languages, all kinds of show programs, place. The presence of Russian-speaking service and a very good security system makes this disco-bar with a welcome holiday destination for our compatriots :)

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In Bodrum itself, there are no "urban" beaches. To sunbathe and pour into the sea, you need to choose one of the options that fit you. From the ability to swim on a motor boat a few kilometers on a country beach or take advantage of the beach of the hotel - today we have chosen the second option. It just did not want to leave far from the air conditioner and a cafe with soft drinks. By the way, here we met with tourists who lived in the city in a removable apartment that the beach, although it is considered the property of the hotel, is accessible and resting, not living here. We just need to carefully ask the metallone and "give" a souvenir in the form of $ 2-3 :)

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Turkish cuisine is something fabulous unimaginable! By ordering any of the dishes, here you can be sure that all products are not just fresh, but the freshest: fish - caught no more than three hours ago; Fruit-vegetables - delivered from the garden-beds of the seller in the morning, kebab - from pair meat and his freshness "is limited" only the need for a couple of hours to lie in the marinade ... the choice, even on the "Swedish" hotel, bribes the diversity :) Here the most delicious In the world of Oriental sweets, coffee dozen species, tangerines and ... Arb-U-U-U-Tar! :) And hiking in pure streets of the town and swimming in the purest sea will not allow you to gain excess weight ...

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During the vacation, we managed to get acquainted in tens of Turks, who were warmly agitated to become their business partners. And what they just did not offer: and trade in oriental spices, and trade in leather products, and even trade in Turkish real estate! :) And what to do? Turks are famous for their business trading "vest". We just need to put up with it and enjoy the rest on this Turkish Ibiz!

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