Lubeck - the sea and marzipans.


Lubeck is considered a seaside resort, rather even without Lubeck himself, and in the urban travereland. From Russia, especially from Peter, there is more convenient to get a ferry from Helsinki, and from Ukraine - by the plane. Near Lübeca recently built a "budget airport". The airport is three sratops in a clean field, but cheaply. By Lubeck, the bus regularly goes regularly.

What do you say about Travenda? Personally, I believe that rest in the Baltic is very like an amateur, like everyone else "Munda". Münde - denotes mouth, grass - the name of the river. There is also a varerende near Rostock and read .. if you like, for example, a passing, then go. In any case, if you suddenly not like the genre of "rest on the Baltic Sea": a small sea, closed cabins closed from the wind, because faiths are unslab there, misunderstandings with the weather, characteristic non-latch paints, then from Thavemund " It is possible to wash yourself into Lubeck himself or located nearby, 65 km, Hamburg. There, accurately anyone will help to pass the time. I am not personally not a lover of the Northwest resorts, and therefore it is better to look at Lubeck himself!

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In Lübeck, it is interesting exactly the old part of the city, acquired by the fortress wall. It declared the property of UNESCO. And Lubeck himself is an old Hanseatic city. In the Lubek bay, at that where today is Travenda, commercial vessels came.

In the Old Town (Altstadt), Holsterter or the Holshta gate leads, with the famous inscription in Latin "Consent in the house, peace around him." The area resembles squares and other medieval cities, for example, Bruges. In such areas, the amazingly elegant buildings "Qysftov" are always located - they managed guilds, i.e. were medieval ministries. Well, the historical Rathause (magistrate) from which was ruled by the city - the arena of political battles. Here are these buildings on the square and spoke at first sight who in the city "cooler." These buildings are the famous German northern gothic!

Old city.

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Lubeck - the sea and marzipans. 8585_3

And yet: it was in Lübeck that marzipan was invented. In any case, Lyubek marzipan. His largest manufacturer has here her cafe and marzipan museum (free, right in the cafe).

Be sure to go, you will not regret! The city itself is very clean, well-groomed, many pleasant cafes, fresh hot smoked fish (especially in season), so in general, here is calm and nice. Although it is possible and boring ...

Marzipan Figures

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