Is Grindelwald suitable for recreation with children?


Grindelwald is the Swiss commune, the population of about four thousand people. It is referred to as the canton of interlaken and consider part of the Berne Oberland. This is one of the most picturesque corners of the whole country whose neighbors are beautiful mountain peaks around the world. The resort was nicknamed by the village of glaciers for his neighborhood with ice beauties, which were already over a thousand years.

The Jungfrau region in which the famous resort is located, the most beautiful place among the Alps. Here you can come not only because of numerous descents, but because of the amazing natural beauties, which is rich in this territory. In addition, Murren and Wengen also come to the region, which are also famous for their beauties and comfortable holidays.

Is Grindelwald suitable for recreation with children? 8581_1

Grindelwald is characterized by plenty of entertainment for adults and children who allow you to relax both families with children and large companies.

In addition, for children, the resort offers several ski programs.

For example, School Grindelwald Sports Offers such programs:

1. Club for three-year kids - Snowli Kids Club Bodmi It is located in the central part of Grindelwald, on the territory of the Bodmi Arena Snow Park. An animated instructor team conducts classes with children, and a hot lunch is included in the classes.

Here children are divided into morning groups whose classes take place from 9:30 to 12:00, and the evening groups whose occupations are held from 13:30 to 16:00. Dining time is about one and a half hours and lasts from 12: 00-13: 30.

Payment: Morning or Evening Panel pays from 20 Swiss francs. Food and babting care is about 20 francs. Payment for the whole day with children, plus meals, is about 53 francs.

2. For children from six months, working on the territory of the club nursery-sad . Here children play, engaged in creative development, rest, and all this under the supervision of professional crude workers.

Nasry give a fairly flexible schedule of children's stay, so you can leave a child here at any time convenient for you.

Payment: The cost of one hour of work is from 20 francs, while each subsequent hour costs from 13 francs. The surcharge for lunch here is about 8 francs, and a whole day of staying in kindergarten with a lunch costs from 90 francs.

3. For the smallest children, age from 3 years, the ski school is perfectly functions here - Group Lessons Bambini. It holds lessons with groups of six people. Classes are held from Monday to Friday to two hours a day. Classes time from 10:00 to 12:00.

Payment: The cost of one day of classes is about 50 francs. The cost of three days of classes is about 140 francs. The cost of five days of classes is about 199 francs.

4. Children's school for children from 4-5 years Group Lessons Children. Also offers group classes of 4-8 people. From Monday to Friday, classes take place for 2 hours, only in the morning, or 4 hours a day. Two-day classes take place from 10:00 to 12:00, and four-hour pass from 13:15 to 15:15.

Payment: Five days of morning classes costs from 199 francs, five days of 4 watch sessions costs 319 francs. Every day there is a surcharge for lunch in the amount of 14 francs per day.

Is Grindelwald suitable for recreation with children? 8581_2

Altitude Altitude Ski School Offers his children's programs with holidays with children:

1. Ski lessons for the smallest, age from 3-6 years old - Polar Bears. . This program allows you to work with kids and in the game form to acquaint them with skis. Here classes are conducted by groups of 3-6 people.

2. Ski lessons for children with age from 6-15 years old - Kids Club. . Here children are divided into groups, depending on the skills and level of preparation. Depending on this, it is determined and on what routes will be trained, on blue or on red.

3. Extreme Kids. Conducts group classes on intense training already confidently standing on kids, 6-15 years old. Here classes spend 3 hours in the morning and evening from 3:30 to 12:30, as well as from 13:30 to 16:30.

Payment: A five-day course for 3 hours will cost you approximately 270 francs. Plus the surcharge for food and care during lunch - about 30 francs per day. Five full days with lunch is about 630 francs.

Is Grindelwald suitable for recreation with children? 8581_3

Ski School Felix Ski Paradise Offers its programs for children:

1. Excellent ski Kindergarten For children, age from 3-5 years. Here children are engaged in groups of 4-8 people, while classes last two hours, from 10:00 to 12:00. All classes are carried out on the territory of the children's snow park, to instill greater interest in winter skating and sports skiing.

Payment: The three-day course is about 120 francs, hot children's drinks are included in the price. Plus there is a surcharge for lunch in the amount of 15 francs per day.

2. Ski school for older children, age from 6-10 years old - Kids. . Here classes in children take place four hours, from 10:00 to 14:30. All classes are held on blue and red highways to bring together children with their features, and work out the riding skills.

Payment: The five-day course is about 335 francs, and drinks and lunch enters the cost of learning.

In addition, in many hotels in Grindelwald, which are intended for recreation with children and family holidays, entertainment programs for children are periodically held, as well as various thematic contests and festive events that children simply adore. Some hotels are equipped with comfortable children's playrooms and children's playgrounds that can be used exclusively in the warm season. Many parents are brought here for children because of the big abundance of snow cover. Some families prefer to ride small launches, as well as to make hiking at the surroundings of Grindelwald.

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