Plenitive Paris


I have a hurry to share your impressions related to staying in the capital of France. I always wanted to visit historic cities like Paris to feel that admiration, which is massively torn all sorts of sources. I can say one thing - Paris stands all those pawn and statements that are composed of him. For each person, this city is amazing in his own way, I will never believe that I found a traveler, whose soul did not flinch from what he saw. However, I can confidently say that there is a high probability of disappointment in some of the attractions, and all because of our imagination in a fabulous direction, which draws grand expectations, which, in turn, can differ significantly from realities of reality.

Here, for example, the Eiffel Tower appeared in my mind as something unimaginable, ephemeral and stunning to the depths of the soul. Well, rushes us a tourist bus through the streets of Paris, well, now we are very close to the place that should fight on my magical beauty, well, here it is in front of me - and what would you think, I felt? And where is Yo-Kanye Heart, where the salutes of joy and bliss in the middle of the Nutra - there is no ... it costs a tower of impressive sizes, nothing really represents, which, as I learned later, I was initially exhibited at a short time period and wanted to remove it out of sight. We arrived to the tower in the early morning, twisted near her, everyone tried to realize their own dual feelings and went to continue to meet Paris.

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Then the Triumphal Arch was waiting for us, which struck me with his size and grandeur (in the pictures she seemed less and more inflaming me). Then there was a walk through the fascinating Montmartru, who captivated me with his magnetic attractiveness. The Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady is generally a separate story, so surprising the fact of the possibility of building such a mahina in the absence of advanced technologies. After a saturated pedestrian program, we are closer to the evening again found yourself near the Eiffel Tower. Dear ladies and gentlemen, you can not imagine this truly masterpiece spectacle, when the tower begins to highlight with bright lights. It was at that moment that I understood why so many diffirasses she deserved over the years of its existence.

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And then the puzzle for me personally formed - this city of captivating beauty, in which the spirit of romance and rainbow discoveries are hung.

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