What is interesting to see Mostar?


City Mostar It is an essential tourist destination and the fourth largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Located in the Valley of the River Neretv, Mostar is considered the historical and cultural center of Herzegovina. The Nerretva River divides the city into two parts, where the left bank corresponds to the Muslim part of the city, and the right - Catholic. Due to this, the city of Mostar is one of the most interesting multi-ethnic and multicultural cities in Europe.

The architecture of the city is present as an east flavor arising due to a large number of mosques and bazaars and features inherent in the cities of neighboring Croatia. The city itself is very compact, so the inspection of his sights does not take much time.

Mostar was founded in the XV century and almost all the Middle Ages was influenced by the Ottoman Empire. It was at that time that most mosques of the city were built. Catholicism came to the city already in the XVIII century, together in Austro-Hungarians, therefore the architecture of the Catholic neighborhoods is more modern. Currently, the appearance of the city includes elements of the Ottoman, Mediterranean and Western European architecture.

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Old Most

The main attraction of the city is elegant Old Most , connecting the shores of the nonrevy and as if soaring in the air due to its unique one-line design. The bridge was built in 1566 and since then is a symbol of the city. Even the name of Mostar is formed from the words "Guard of the Bridge". Unfortunately, what we see now is an exact copy of the bridge, stood up 400 years and destroyed in 1993 during the siege of the city along with most mosques. The "new" old bridge was solemnly opened in 2004. Only a stone reminds about the war with the remnants of mines, located at the entrance to the bridge next to the inscription "Do not forget 1993." In 2005, the old bridge was proclaimed by UNESCO World Heritage Site. Typically, tourists can see how from this bridge 25 m height in the emerald water of the river leaving local residents. The spectacle is really amazing with the fact that the water in the river has a temperature of about 15 degrees.

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On both sides of the river next to the old bridge there are two towers. On the left bank of Tower Tara, built in 1676, and on the left - the Tower of Halebia. For centuries, these towers guarded the bridge and were military warehouses.


The next attraction of the city, located next to the bridge, is Kujundzluk (Kujundzluk) - the central market of Mostar, located along the banks of the river. There are numerous souvenirs, vintage paintings, antique baubles, as well as oriental sweets.

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Historically, religious and public buildings were built on the left bank of the nonrevy, and residential - on the right, therefore most of the samples of Eastern architecture, concentrated in the left-bank neighborhoods.

In Mostar, there are many mosques that are masterpieces of Turkish architecture. For example, located behind the tower of Halebia Mosque Haji Kurt With a minaret height of 20 m.

One of the monuments of Islamic culture is Mosque Karadozhbei , built in 1557 and famous for its pretty patio.

You can visit the mosque Kick Mehmed-Pasha which is located just a few meters from the banks of the river. In the interiors of the mosque there is a very beautiful wall painting. To see a stunning panorama of the city, you can climb the minaret mosque on a narrow staircase. From here the best view of the river and the old bridge. A very pretty place in the mood is a patio with a fountain, where you can relax. The entrance to the mosque is free.

There are a lot of monuments of the XVII century architectural monuments, such as a clock tower Sakhat-Kula. , built in 1630. For this tower, a 250-cellogram bell was purchased, which during the reign of Austro-Hungarians was integrated. The bell in the tower was returned only in 1981.

House Bishkevich , one of the most beautiful Mostar buildings offers tourists to visit his patio, as well as residential premises, which are excellent samples of Turkish style. The entrance to the house is 3 Bosnian stamps.

The area located on the right bank is a strong contrast with the left shore. Unlike traditional oriental buildings with narrow winding streets and trading places, here you see clarity and orderliness inherent in the European architecture of the XVIII century.

Mostar is interesting and the fact that in the city park in 2005 a monument was established by Bruce Lee, symbolizing the struggle against ethnic disagreement and wars.

Another important place for the city is Cemetery Partizan , representing a memorial monument to the heroes of World War II.

Near the Mostar there are several interesting natural attractions. For example, tourists really like a visit Waterfalls Kravice Located in the natural park on the river tribugat.

One of the most picturesque places near Mostar is and the village Belfa Where surrounded by rocks takes its beginning River Mountain River Buna.

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A visit to the Mostar causes mixed feelings - too fresh wounds caused by the city of the last war. Nevertheless, attempts to restore the city taken by various organizations are very pleased. The city is definitely interesting and picturesque, despite the destroyed temples and traces of bullets on the walls of many buildings.

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