What money is best to take with you on vacation in Laos?


Traveling to Laos, in many ways the lot of experienced travelers who are preparing for the trip in advance, comprehend all the nuances and little things in the country, to which, should include financial issues, somehow:

- What currency go to Laos?

- Does you make cards?

- Where to change money and what currencies pay and so on?

What money is best to take with you on vacation in Laos? 8566_1

Questions are reasonable and sound, and therefore try to figure them out.

Let's start with the fact that the National Monetary Unit of Laos is Kip, which in turn is equal to one hundred atam, which, in principle, no one will see, because the kip course is extremely low in relation to other currencies of the world. What would have been an understanding, at the moment, 1 dollar is about 9,800 kips, and at the same time the course is extremely unstable, and the kip itself is not yet convertible, which is important to know that it would not be changed when you travel more than you plan to spend. The inverse exchange, both within the country and in the neighboring Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, will be produced through the robbing rate, if it is possible to spend it.

Despite the fact that, according to the letter of the law, all financial transactions within the country should be carried out exclusively in national currency, in places of mass visits to tourists, it is possible to pay for goods and services in US dollars, as well as Thai bays, Chinese yuan, Cambodian ripels and Vietnamese dongs. True, unlike the US dollar, the course of which we understand and is amenable to practical recalculation, the calculations in the Asian currencies will be carried out, as they say "from the bald", with which with an indispensable benefit for the seller, and not for a tourist. In many outlets, goods prices are indicated as in the piles, so in dollars and Thai bays.

What money is best to take with you on vacation in Laos? 8566_2

Currency exchange can be carried out in banks, hotels (large) and local exchangers. In small settlements, where there is nothing previously listed, the exchange can be made by mail (if you are lucky and the local branch provides this service). It is worth noting that the overwhelming number of banking offices works only with dollars, bahas and kipa. In this regard, it logically implies that it is exclusively to go to Laos with dollars. Rubles, tenge, hryvnia, will cause local financiers, unless a smile, as in principle, and ours, will cause a smile of piles. Some (rare) branches of banks and private exchange offices can also take euros, but enthusiasm European currency does not cause anyone in connection with which the course will be completely unpredictable.

Separately, it is worth talking about bank cards. Alas, but they are mostly useless here, for their reception is carried out exclusively in expensive hotels, large banks and large trading complexes of the capital, and to a lesser extent in Luang Prabang (the former capital of Laos). Similarly, with ATMs. There are few of them, and they are only in Vientiane and Luang Prabang.

Some features:

- The best course when exchanging due to some reasons is offered when exchanging bills of 50 and 100 dollars;

- The most popular local currency banknotes are worth 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 LAK, but with bills of 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 LAK, it is often difficult to get delivery.

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