What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg?


The centuries-old tradition and customs still exist in Austria. As for Salzburg, they are especially brightly revered in remote highly mountainous areas of the region. If you choose the time to visit Salzburg, here is a review of some customs and major festivals in Salzburg, which can be visited if you want to see the "real life" of the city.


Year in Salzburg begins with "Neujahrsschießen" , in the "New Year's Fireworks".

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People (not all, of course, only a special group) in historical costumes are shooting from rifles on the old special tradition in the city and in the vicinity. In the regions, Salzkammergut has a place to be "Glöckler" - This is when young people in white outfits and in big strange hats, which are glowing, and with bells on the belt go from home to home in the city on January 5th.

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What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg? 8563_3

They perform a special dance to awaken plant seeds under the snow cover, and the light of their hats drive the cold. This custom is based on an ancient pagan tradition.

Approximately January 6, you can witness "Sternsinger" Tradition, which is usually performed by the children of the Catholic Youth Organization "Jungschar".

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What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg? 8563_5

Children walk through the streets and enter the houses with songs on religious themes. It is believed that they bring a blessing and good luck to the house. And at the same time, these babes collect money for charity projects in the third world countries.

January 6 also passes "Rauhnächte". Celebration is associated with the ancient pagan traditions.

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During the holiday, people in historical outfits are harvested torches and drive winter demons, calling the gods of fertility. The holiday is actively celebrated in the south of Bavaria, and in Salzburg.


In February, communities in the vicinity of Salzburg celebrate traditional "Apersechnalzen" : An odd number of young people in historical costumes (Lederhosen) arrange a show with whites - clap them on the ground as louder as possible to awaken the good spirits in the spring and drive the winter away.

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What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg? 8563_8

Competitions "Who is louder" come between often Salzburg and Bavaria, and the contests themselves are held in different cities, for example, recently in Waltz-Zienheim.

Also this month is held "Fasching" , that is, the carnival, which is more like a carnival and which is very widely marked in Austria.

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What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg? 8563_10

People wear costumes and arrange parades on the streets. In particular, children celebrate this day with a big delight. Parads, by the way, not very traditional people, as a rule, are all rusting in what fell, but still very interesting and bright.

March and april

Time Easter customs . On Palm Sunday, people carry bouquets in the church, made of seven herbs and colored ribbons -Ethy bouquets symbolize the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem.

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In the families of the last person who will wake up will be called "Palmesel". After the church, bouquets move to fields to protect fertile lands from bad weather and help improve crops.

Eggs that painted and prepared in green Thursday (Thursday to Easter) are considered symbols of fertility. Usually these eggs are used later in domestic competitions, for example, in a popular game for children, children knock on each other's testicles, and who has the first egg, lost.

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Church bells do not call from green Thursday by service next Saturday (Easter Night). At this time, the boys "compensate" the lack of noise in the city and go from home to home, playing "Ratschen", wooden tools.

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In the Easter night often in the fields harness large bonfires - custom based on pagan traditions.

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April 23 - St. George's Day . This saint is a patron of horses and this day was extremely important for farmers. In some communities, "Georgiritt" ("Riding George") "Louds in historical costumes are riding horseback to the church to the service to honor St. George.

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Night before May 1 is called "Philippinacht", Night of St. Philip. This apostle is a patron of order and therefore young people walk through the streets of the villages and select lost things, cleaning the surroundings. This custom often turns into a competition, and the next day, people who "sowed" the other day can get their own property back - usually for a symbolic "fine", for example, for a couple of euro, and even for a mug of beer.

May Day -day off. On this day, throughout Austria, the holiday "Maibäume" ("May trees" is held, when everyone is planted in their gardens or vicinity trees. All this is accompanied by music, folk dances and fair.

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What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg? 8563_17


On the second thursday, after the Pentecost passes Fronleichnamstag - Colorful processions, some of them occur on the water, especially on Lake Salzkammergut.

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On this day, in some areas, people in traditional costumes drive dance around a wooden figure six meters high whose name is Samson.

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Samson is dressed in a furout and holds a spear in his hand. The origin of this rather strange custom is not clear. The first celebration was mentioned in 1635, but the tradition of a much older and roots goes to pagan rituals aimed at raising the fertility of the fields.

21st of June By tradition, people harness fires on the tops of the mountains all night. This is another custom based on pagan traditions, but today is mainly used as a cause for barbecue and parties.

July and August

July 25th St. Jacob's Day. The patron saint of peasants and shepherds is revered in the community of St. Jacob AM Tourna (10 km from Salzburg) dance ceremony. Another tradition of this day is a competitive struggle on top of 2,117 meter mountains Hundstin.

Tradition leaves the roots in the Middle Ages, when young local men competed for the title of "Hagmoar" in the fight against strict rules. Compliance with the rules followed the judge with a whip. Men fought in a pair, and the one who was pressed against the ground with both shoulders, was considered the loser.

On Mount Dürrnberg in Halline (20 minutes from Salzburg), local miners perform the Dance of Salzburg, "Dürrnberger Schwerttanz" or "dance with swords." This dance was first described in 1581 and until today it is carried out exclusively by Hallein Sallein Salle Min. They dance in traditional uniforms and with swords.

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What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg? 8563_21

The latter are just the symbols of the staff of the miner. The dance itself displays the various miner tasks at work. For this reason, the dance can be carried out in the light of burning torches - very beautiful! Such dances of miners are also found in both Berektayne, where the tradition was revived in 1979.

In the southeastern area of ​​Tamsveg (in a half hours from Zatvburg), Muhr and Zederhaus communities celebrate Prangstanan. . These days there can be seen that all pillars in the city are incredibly beautifully decorated with flowers.

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What traditional holidays can be visited in Salzburg? 8563_23

Once upon a time, the locals had swore that if their valley would no longer suffer from the attacks of locusts, they would decorate with flowers all the pillars in the city. The tradition requires incredible work, work begins for a week, and all residents of the city are involved. Up to 50,000 colors, daffodils, daisies and privilets are collected from the beginning of June for incredible jewelry.

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Also make small columns with flowers for the festive parade, but only local residents carry them, who are not married and have no extramarital children. After the parade, all the columns carry to the local church, where they are left as a symbol of life before the holiday of Maria Himmelfart (August 15). After that, the dried flowers are collected and burned on the bonfires, at the same time they cook food.

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