What time is it better to go to rest in Lhasa?


A peculiar climate of Lhas not everyone can approach. Due to sudden temperature drops, it seems sometimes very severe. Throughout the day, temperature fluctuations can reach 10, and sometimes even 15 degrees. Daily temperatures are almost always warm. However, immediately after sunset, the air temperature is rapidly lowering. But, nevertheless, the city climate can be called soft. Since in Lhasa does not have cold winters and exhausting hot summer.

In the city, located high above sea level, the air is very clean and discharged. All year round here is sunny and there is a significant level of ultraviolet radiation. So, going on the excursions to the notable places of Lhasa, it is worth grabping sunglasses and an umbrella. Often in Lhasa you can watch amazing natural phenomena when the sun is combined with the rain, and the sky is filled with huge cotton clouds. This is a picturesque sight.

Spring in Lhasa comes in March and is rarely protracted. It is inherent solar, but at the same time cool days. It happens rainy, and sometimes a strong wind is blowing. Therefore, planning a trip to the city of monasteries during this period, do not forget to put things in a suitcase with long sleeves. It is still worth considering that it is Ma who is the rainy month of this region.

Summer weather promotes numerous holidays and festivals that pass in the parks and on the streets of Lhasa. The weather is warm, but not arid. The sediments are, and sometimes their number leads to the revenge of the river from the shores. In the summer months, the temperature is within + 21-24 degrees. Sharp night cooling is noticeably in this period. Therefore, for evening walks on Lhasa, it is worth grabping a warm sweater or windbreaker. You can follow the example of local residents and during afternoon walking shirt with double sleeves.

Winter is Non-Russian Sene for lhasa. And, despite the fact that at this time of the year it is not so cold here (in the afternoon of all -9⁰c), and the day shines the bright sun, the decline in the number of travelers becomes very noticeable. Much cheaver Accommodation in hotels and few tourists is becoming easier to learn the little notable places of the ancient city. Since from the end of November to February in Lhasa is quite windy, it is necessary to grab a unpropractive jacket with it and moisturizing lip balm.

What time is it better to go to rest in Lhasa? 8559_1

Optimal period To visit Lhasa is autumn. Temperature drops in September and October become practically not tangible. The city starts soft with a small amount of precipitation season. Daytime temperature is set at + 10-16⁰c. For day and evening walks, the same things are suitable. Additional baggage will not need.

What time is it better to go to rest in Lhasa? 8559_2

Whatever the season for visiting Lhas you did not choose, the main thing in this place is the uniqueness and warm spiritual climate, which is constant throughout the year.

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