Corsica - a place for giving happiness


Gathering on Corsica, you can not take anything with you, except for money! :) There are everything here: on regular sales you can buy and baths, and summer dresses, and demi-season jackets ... Though the jackets in the summer here it was not yet useful for anyone. Corsica is a constant sun, the smell of the sea and coffee, noisy bands of tourists and a spoiled heat of spokeers of soft drinks and ice cream on the beaches ... My husband and I came here for adventures and active rest - we all got all the way! First, here I smiled with happiness and we first met our holiday climbers on the very first day of our holiday. There were a lot of them and all stayed in a raised mood. After a couple of hours I understood why. It turned out that they were not here for the first time and did not interest their fabulous sea, they had the only goal - to climb on the rocks. So I could remember the student times when and myself was engaged in this sport :) But I was waiting for even more admiration than I was ready to survive - the rocks that we conquered, fought with water! And this is no longer climbing, but "the highest pilot" is canyoning! This made the task to get to the top more complex. But how glad the victory! :)

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After such a "recreation" and to go to work, it is not necessary - this was the "verdict" of my husband. Because the next day we just lay on the beach, eaten carefully brought by the waiter's waiter and fruits, drinking everything with mineral water in huge quantities! Beach Corsica is something incredible! Here are truly people from all over the globe! And for everyone there is enough roast sun, silky sand, sweet mandarin and crabs!

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It is impossible to leave here and not afford to admire a walk on a yacht, which can be rented both with service personnel and for an independent campaign. We did not take risked to go to the sea, even though it is here at this time of the year it is very calm - too, probably tired of the heat :) In this flight, we took with you except vegetables and coffee, and something similar to sandwiches, which were the foundation of which were Shepshushka from ... Chestnut! Chestnut is served here in a wide variety of types: cakes, creams, just baked under different sauces and seasonings. Going away from the shore of kilometers ten, I overflowed with a feeling of delight, which can only cause the observation of the perfection of nature! Water in the sea - azure color merged on the horizon in the same color by the sky ... an exciting sight. Here even splashes from under the stern had a kind of pearls or a fragmentary of diamonds.

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And in the evenings we walked along the preheated generous sun streets, came to the restaurants to drink beautiful local wines, which are so proud of freedom-loving corsicans! By the way, the Poles with whom we met here, they said that in the Polish language "Pirate" is called "Corsiarzh". It is argued that this name "free people of the sea" received precisely as a hiking from the "Corsican" :). For a week spent on Corsica, we saw a lot of rocks, drank the sea of ​​delicious coffee, ate an unimaginable amount of cheese ... Cheese here is one of the well-deserved pride of local cheesers ... But most of all I will miss the delicious crabs that are cheaper than pork :)

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In Corsican restaurants, if you order a side dish, you can stay without bread - here and meat, and seafood are served or with bread, or with a side disk. Because if you need bread - you have to say about it.

It was a pity to leave this paradise where everyone can find the type of recreation that most of all will be bored in the summer. But we took the amazing landscapes of Corsica with you ... On video and photos, of course :).

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