What to do in winter in Salzburg


Where can I go to Salzburg in winter and how do you do when it's not so hot on the street? It is worth noting that Salzburg is so popular during Advent or the Christmas season that hotels are often starting to raise the prices of accommodation in the peak season. But, if you book a hotel in advance, well, or choose a hostel, you can do with low blood, as they say. But what can be done in Salzburg in winter.

1) Shoot on skis

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Of course, skiing is in the top of the list. In general, skiing is the main reason why tourists come to Austria in winter. One of the most beautiful Alps ski resorts can be found in the south of Salzburg. The ski season is slightly different from the dates every year, but in general, you can go to ride from the end of December to the beginning of March. Salzburg Ski Resorts offer good conditions for sports and a variety of slopes, for beginners and professionals. Where to go to ride in Salzburg? First, it is a wagenne and the area around the lake Zauchensee - these places are popular, mainly due to the landscape and wide slopes. You will find the best deals in Skiwelt Amade - this resort is undoubtedly the most popular ski area of ​​Salzburg. "Gasteinertal" in the south of Salzburg is famous for its slopes and spa with hot springs. Neighboring "Großarl" is also popular among families. Schladming is a little further from Salzburg, but it is also one of the most popular ski resorts of the country.

2) Try Lebkuchen and Mulled wine

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Traditionally, residents of Austria bake Christmas cookies Lebkuchen in Advent. In these weeks, various contests are often held for better christmas cookies, which is very very interesting! Christmas markets and bakeries will offer various Lebkuchny, the same applies to Mulled wine (Glühwein), which is sold on the market and in the cafe throughout the city in winter.

3) Go to the Christmas market

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Christmas markets of Salzburg are known in all Central Europe. Although it is likely that you will be confused with a large number of people who also came for christmas purchases. But where to go! Skip a special fabulous atmosphere of a bazaar, over which the aromas of caramelized almonds and other culinary wonders are just a crime!

4) Go to the sauna and spa elephant.

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When you hear the word "sauna", then the mind comes, rather some Scandinavian countries. But the Austrians appreciate the real sauna no less, and spa resorts have a lot of fans among the locals. Salzburg and surroundings are famous for their hot sources - there you can swim in hot water outdoors at temperatures below zero! The most famous area of ​​Austria with thermal resorts - Schiani, south of the Alps, in 2 hours drive from Salzburg. Few people know that there are three of their resort in Salzburg. Styria can offer a wide variety, but with the help of Spa and Sauna Salzburg, of course, can justify all your expectations. If you drive down a little further than Salzburg, in Bad Virgown, you can find the Spa "Terms of St. Barbara" ("St. Barbara Therme"). This is an old classic spa, oriented and physiotherapy, with beauty salon and massage interior.

5) Visit Perchtenlauf (PERCHTENLAUF, ghost dance)

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Perchtenlauf, or ghost procession, is the most favorite extravagant holiday of Austria. This is something like Hallowin, a carnival, when everyone rushes into the most terrible clothes. He is celebrated on the night of January 6th. The holiday roots go to folk belts and fairy tales and is dedicated to the pagan goddess of Pergte. During the celebration, all the townspeople wear terrible masks (witches, sorcerers, ghosts, vampires) and walk through the streets, scaring the evil spirits with their outfits. These rituals, according to the inhabitants, will help scare away a birth and failure and bring well-being. In Salzburg, the holiday is celebrated with a special scope, and the festive night turns into a carnival. You can hear about the holiday here called Ponchtenlauf Pongauer.

6) Stroll around the city center

In fact, there is no need to talk about how many stages and the streets of the old town of Salzburg are adorable on the eve of Christmas! In particular, shops on the streets of hetrajdegasse and Goldgasse are often beautifully decorated. It is a pity that at this time of year, cozy streets are flooded by tourists from different countries who interfere with a bit of enjoying the calm and fairy tale of the Winter Salzburg.

7) Learn local culture

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You can go to "Salzburger Adventsingen" is a traditional performance in which local children participate in the play of Christmas. Of course, in German with an Austrian local dialect. You could go to the exhibitions dedicated to the Christmas Verteup - as a rule, you can see many paintings and panels from the tree and at exhibitions, and in stores. Go to Salzburger Heimatwerk is an association that is engaged in restoring and maintaining local culture and traditions.

8) Go to the party and admire the fireworks in Sylvester, New Year's Eve.

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Many bars are open to late and you will find thousands of people celebrating New Year in the Rudolfskai area. However, most people will gather at Domplatz and on Kapitelplatz Square, where it is usually very fun and where there is live music. At private parties, Austrians love to play Bleigießen.

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This is such a New Year tradition, when people take small pieces of lead in different shapes - a piglet, a tribal, horseshoes - and melts them on a special spoon over a burning candle. Then they pour liquid lead to a quick movement in a bowl with cold water. Thus, the lead instantly hardens in a bizarre form. These casts then the participants of the game put to the lamp and try to recognize what they look like: the form of figures should hint at some event in the future and that he will bring the next year. Very interesting!

9) Visit "Silent Night"

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The most famous Christmas song for the bond was written in Oberdorf, a charming town north of Salzburg. You can learn about the story of the song in the Museum "Silent Night" ("Silent Night") in Salzburg. On the road to the village, you can also visit small cities in the Salzburg Lake Territory, such as Seekirchen or Mattsee. They have their own Christmas markets, which are also completely adorable!

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