Varadero - Dream Execution


This year, and my husband and I decided not to adhere to the tradition and meet the New Year without snow, without a tree, and on a warm beach - in Cuba. The departure simplified the fact that the visas make no need to issue - it was necessary only to buy tickets and pack things. Looking forward, I confess that I am surprised to this day, why did we ever arrive here before? From the snow-covered capital of Russia, it turns out that the winter holidays come here the mass of the people! And not only from Russia - here many-pagan excursions are also often found, as well as on the fashionable resorts of Europe.

The purpose of our journey was challenged with Russian-speaking tourists located on the Ikakos Peninsula - the city of Varadero. Cuba for foreigners is very different from the one in which the local population lives - tourists are the main source of income of this country. That is why there are perfect conditions for rest here! Having hung up in the purest water, having hung on a hot beach, we decided to rent a car and ride a glorious peninsula to the new year. Be sure to take into account the fact that in the country on major highways there are checkpoints. It is not necessary to indignant this fact - it is necessary to take it, as the inevitability that this glorious country is making for security. Beautiful landscapes outside the window car harmoniously complement the feeling of freedom, the symbol of which is the cube! We went to her capital. From Varadero to Havana, you can drive a slightly more than 130 kilometers through the highway. And there is no other way, as through one of the local wonders - the Bakungua Bridge! I'm afraid of heights, because the first time across the gorge was passing with closed eyes :) But the son and the husband admired each meter of this three hundred-meter connector of two vertices! :) On the way back, we used the motorcycle to turn and under the bridge - this is So that fears left me before this majestic monster :)

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In the capital of the Island of Freedom, we visited the Square of the Revolution and made a family photo against the monument to the Kuban writer José Marty. You can eat in Havana only in restaurants. After the European resorts with a huge number of focus and outlets right on the streets - it was unusual. We stay spent the night in the capital because we were a Russian-speaking waiter said that here you can see how after work Cubans rest in the rhythm of salsa! It was an unforgettable spectacle! I even myself decided to dance - here many vacationers joined the dancer "crowd", unable to resist the rhythmic temptation.

Coffee, cigars, salsa, sun, freedom is Cuba! And also friendly people trying to help come "for just so" ... This is a completely different world - the world without greed and race for money, this is a world in which you remember your childhood!

Our family holiday continued on the beaches of Varadero. This is a truly unforgettable place - all the space is filled with azure-colored waters of the Atlantic Ocean, manga thickets, the soft smallest sand beaches. This is paradise, this is a fairy tale, this is the fulfillment of desires ...

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