What should not be done in Salzburg


Salzburg is famous for its excellent baroque architecture and fully very neat and neat appearance, if so at all can be expressed about the city. There will no longer argue that Salzburg is a very beautiful city, and that here you can see, you will tell you numerous prospectuses and private guides.

And now I would like to tell you more about what you should be lost during the trip to Salzburg and what should not be done. These tips will help you navigate in the city and choose the best, avoiding, respectively, the worst thing.

So, 9 tourist traps in Salzburg.

1) Do not buy Mozartkugel Candy in the city center. Without a doubt, you will find these candies throughout the old town, and, as a rule, from large manufacturers, like Mirabel (Mirabell). Of course, the quality of these candies is excellent, but, as you can guess, these sweets are sold on market shelves or in souvenir shops of the central part of Salzburg almost always shitdoroga. Try searching these candies in supermarkets a little away or airport.

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2) the best value for the price and quality of products and food on the right side of the Oil River (where Mirabel Castle is located. Restaurants in the old town, then you mean, city center, often are high-class, and the prices in them are usually super "We don't need high." We don't need it perfectly, so try to walk along the little alleys in the area of ​​the lively Lingragasse street or descend on Steingasse to the Andreas Hofer Stüberl area. These areas are also central, but much less crowded tourists, and prices in local cafes and restaurants below.

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3) Do not buy food to Augustinerbräu in the Mülln area. Despite the fact that enough cheap drinks are sold and this is generally the best beer in all Salzburg (if not in all Austria), food here is expensive. Guests are even allowed to bring their own foods and different snacks to beer, so, in fact, many locals and make. So, before you go for a walk in this area or in this restaurant, stop near the supermarket to buy a little meal before you go to drink a hint drink. Well, drinks can be ordered in this bar.

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4) bars and pubs in Salzburg a lot, but not all of them are really so good. In the old town there are several beautiful bars with a very good view, but they are usually full of tourists, and the waiters who work there are grumpy and coarse, unfortunately. If you want to drink, trace where the locals go - mostly, they hang in deserted places, especially in the summer months. That's where you can quietly go without worrying for a spoiled evening. There are some good bars on the allests in Altstadt around the cathedral.

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5) Do not buy the first round or excursion that you will be offered. There are several tour operators who organize excursions like "sounds of music" (during which tourists get acquainted with the history of the cultural development of the city). Compare prices for excursions in advance, for example, on the Internet. And even better, look at the private guide on the Internet and agree with him about everything, and score a discount if the cost is negotiable.

6) Do not descend the rudeness of the waiters! Many waiters who work during the summer months are workers for one season, and they can be presented, often overloaded with work, because tourists in summer the whole sea. These waiters also know that you as a tourist will most likely come here ever in the near future, and they don't care if they will like service and a restaurant or not. As a result of all these factors, the waiters in Salzburg may be incredibly rude. Inattention can still be forgiven, but there is no obvious rudeness, so you can go straight to the manager and complain. So you will help yourself and other customers of the restaurant. The Italian drama played by you will undoubtedly will quickly lead to a positive result, and all rudeness will disappear when it comes to complaints from the guests.

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7) In the restaurants more serious and grazing, respectively, shorts, sandals, backpacks, panamans and colorful T-shirts are worthwhile - all these tourist attributes are perhaps better to leave for walks around the city. Well it is clear. Yes, and easier with Russian or Ukrainian flags on T-shirts, everything is so clear, where are you from :)

8) Do not waste time walking in areas north of the main railway station. In fact, the most interesting station in the railway station is the station itself, well, and the Basilica Maria Plain. And there is an excellent supermarket in the basement of the Kiesel shopping center (at Saint-Julien-Straße 21). In general, all. This area is little attractive, and in neighboring areas around the station can even be a bit dangerous at night. Concentrate on the central parts of the city and in the south.

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9) Do not order the water from the tap in the restaurant, not asked what it is free and generally ask this, if necessary. For some reason, order water from under the tap in the restaurant is considered to be a sort of ignorance and rudeness. Since many tourists come to Salzburg from countries where to drink water from under the tap is perfectly normal, and ordering in a cafe, especially in some places of the city have already begun to serve water from the crane for money, and sometimes it costs expensive. Check first if the water is paid or not (in the Water Cost menu must also be specified). Of course, it seems dyed water from under the tap for us, the conditions do not allow, and indeed, I generally know few people who agrees to drink water from under the tap, and in our restaurant you will look crookedly if you ask for such a drink , and if they bring it, it is still unknown than it will end for you. In short, in order not to get to be asked, order a glass of non-carbonated mineral water or a drink "Soda Zitron" in the restaurant of Salzburg (sparkling water with the addition of lemon juice usually the cheapest drink in the menu, even cheaper than water).

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