Rest in Salzburg: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Restaurants in Salzburg many, almost 500. For the most part, these are restaurants of European and Italian cuisine. Everyone, of course, you will not tell, but here's the five of the best places in Salzburg, where you can eat. I do not say that these are the most luxurious and expensive restaurants. Although! Top -5 best places for lunch or dinner in Salzburg for those who want to learn more about the culture of Austria and its history.

one. "AFRO CAFE" (Bürgerspitalplatz 5)

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Rest in Salzburg: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8519_2

Rest in Salzburg: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8519_3

This "African cafe" has always been and will be in the top of the lists of restaurants recommended for visiting Salzburg. This is one of several places in the city, monopolized by the owner of Red Bull (you are aware that I first started to release in Austria for the first time?). The café is a restaurant located at the foot of Münsberg, invites guests to enjoy famous African teas who serve in cast-iron teapots with a special timer who will help make sure that your Roibush has already brewed. Food in this restaurant is just incredible, exotic, and portions are huge! What is there only no: ranging from meat gazelles and hamburgers with starvatina to almond soup to acute ribs and afro-lettuce consisting of chicken, bacon, cashew nuts and dried tomatoes. Very tasty and unusual! However, what really makes this cafe unusual and memorable, so this is his decor. With poisonous-pink walls and muted orange illumination, a cafe decorated with all that, as if it would throw off the sea on the sand, they are so decorated with everything in the hall, from the chandelier to the walls and the ceiling. And, of course, there was no cafe and without a couple of palms inside. In short, this cafe is definitely impossible not to visit. Also, it is worth noting, a variety of cultural events, such as jazz concerts and African evenings, regularly take place in the cafe. You can have breakfast in the cafe somewhere on 10-13 euros (combo breakfasts are served until 12 o'clock in the afternoon), lunches are served here from 11:30 to 14:00 (you can meet € 7-8), exotic dishes are from € 4 , alcoholic and non-alcoholic fruit cocktails - from € 3.50 to € 8.50, a bottle of wine is about € 28, and a glass around € 4. In general, prices are tolerable.

Work schedule: Monday-Saturday 09:00 - 00:00

2. Christmas market

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Rest in Salzburg: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8519_5

These markets work from the third week of November to December 26. And this is the time is the best for the visit of the town. Follow the Getreidegasse street to the Residenzplatz Square (Residenzplatz), which will greet you with the most wonderful attractions and flavors of the Salzburg Wenachtsmarkt (Christmas market). After shopping in numerous bears, go snack. To begin with, order the Bosna is a mandatory dish! Bosna (sometimes it is also called "Bosner") - This is a sharp traditional dish of Austrian cuisine, which is said to appear in Salzburg or Linz, and now it is popular in all Western Austria and South Bavaria.

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Bosna is a hot dog with a sausage and onions, a very sharp German mustard and curry (or ketchup, and maybe all together). Such a dish must be accompanied by potatoes in uniform with fillings, such as bacon with a very garlic sauce. And finally, order Kaisershmarrn Pudding (Kaischmarrn).

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The name of the dish is translated as "Imperial Meszanin" or "Imperial Omelet". In essence, it is thick pancakes with nuts, raisins and hot chocolate sauce. Actually, ordinary pancakes, but tasty! All this will write a hot mug of mulled wine. These are the real Christmas treats that can be ordered in any shop bench.

3. "Cafe Fürst"

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Here is the most real traditional Austrian coffee-pastry. Founded in 1884, a small cafe already "mocked" in the city in four copies. You will immediately learn this cafe along the long glass protruding hall, full of small interesting taste of handmade, like chocolate truffles, the most famous of which are MozartKugels (Mozartkugels) are candy chocolate candies with marzipan filling wrapped in a silver foil with a portrait of a great composer.

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It is really very tasty, and these candies can be bought at all anywhere in Austria, but no other store prepares them so tasty as "Cafe Fürst". And also try confectionery, such as apple strudel and hot chocolate, both of the whipped cream. Well, just yummy!

Addresses: Brodgasse 13, MirabellPlatz 5, Getreidegasse 47, Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 1 (Almost everyone is nearby).

four. "Stern Bräu"

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Rest in Salzburg: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8519_11

In order to know the taste of true satisfying Austrian food, you can go to one of the pubs with your brewery, where you can enjoy delicious dishes and beers. Here, for example, the restaurant "Stern Bräu", located next to the river on the main shopping street of Hetrajdgasse. Here you can try national dishes, such as goulash, roast pork with dumplings (boiled test or potatoes) and Schinitzel with sauerkraut, as well as delicious desserts, for example, cottage cheese dumplings with apricots, and Salzburg nocheln- unusual pudding with Three slides from the souffle, which symbolize three hills in the city.

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The beer is excellent, and the menu is extensive, and the staff dressed in the traditional Austrian outfits - all this creates an excellent atmosphere for excellent lunch or dinner. After dinner, you can sit behind the bar and drink delicious cocktails - they are especially managed by Pina-Kolada.

Address: GRIESGASSE 23-25

five. "Hotel Sacher"

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In Austria, there are two Hotel Sacher: one in the capital, in Vienna, the other is located on the banks of the River River River in Salzburg. These hotels are very expensive, rooms there sometimes cost up to € 2500 per night, and this is a hotel for members of the royal family, aristocracy and celebrities. Well, those who can not afford to approach such a luxury hotel, you can advise to look at the hotel's cafe. Here they prepare amazing hot chocolate and the famous cake Zaran - a chocolate biscuit cake with an apricot confiture, covered with chocolate icing.

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I really liked this cake! Such juicy, wet, tasty, simply impossible to resist! Even the hotel was named after him :)

Address: Schwarzstraße 5-7

Here are such wonderful cafes and restaurants I would recommend you visit in Salzburg!

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