Fabulous India - Delhi's impression


I grew up like many other children of the eighties in the Indian cinema and in my presentation of India, it was something incredible, a fabulous country with a motley paint, beautiful temples and incredible landscapes. Therefore, do not say that I completely remained disappointed from a trip to the capital of India - Delhi, but I confess, I was not ready, see the opposite side of the colorful picture. Rumpet regions, of course, struck me to the depths of the soul, I will immediately say to tourists in particular, one way is better noted there.

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But we will not be about sad. The rest of the India is really beautiful, the truth is a bit noisy, but for people who are accustomed to the metropolis, this fact is likely to remain not noticeable. I went with my husband on my own, without a tour of the operator, so about where we will live and what we have to eat prudently thought out in advance, because for us India is still an exotic country and it is not known that you can pick up, but to eat in fashionable restaurants to us Does not allow budget.

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We also thought about your route in the sights of Delhi in advance and I want to share your most vivid impressions from what.

The first where we went to, this is the tomb of Humayun, a real masterpiece of Indian architecture, the mausoleum is beautiful both outside and inside. Made of red sandstone with elements of black and white marble, surround the building of wonderful flowering gardens. The entrance to the tomb cost 250 rupees, the survey indoors is also paid, so we were limited to viewing only. Of course, with the legendary Taj Mahal, probably not to compare, but also deserves respect and attention.

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The second attraction of Delhi, which we visited this Palace Raj-Hhata is also a kind of memorial for Indians, there are always a lot of people like foreigners, so Indians from other cities. The territory is surrounded by a beautiful and well-kept fleet with fountains and stone figures. Also nearby is a museum dedicated to the famous Gandhi family.

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I would also like to mention in two words about the zoo in Delhi. There are more than two thousand pets on the huge area of ​​the zoo, which live in the enclosures arranged as close as possible to the natural habitat of a particular animal. The beasts are rather reused and well-groomed, not completely afraid of people, but rather, on the contrary, it flashes attention from visitors in particular monkeys and elephants, one elephant even tried to pull. The area of ​​the zoo is fully asphalt, everywhere purely and many greens, so nor animals do not visit the zoo visitors do not feel discomfort from the exhausting heat. You can stay in an outdoor cafe or sit under the shadow of the trees on a bench.

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That I was still delightful in Delhi, it is a very unusual and at the same time beautiful Lotus Temple. The temple is completely made of white marble in the form of a flower, it is noteworthy that the person of any religion can be logged into it and pray. The building surrounds the magnificent green park with neatly agitated lawns and bizarre shape by shrubs.

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Well, at the end, the most colorful temple that I saw in Delhi, Lakshmi-Naraian Temple, simply dislikey, as if fabulous. The church dedicated to several Indian gods whose statues are inside the building in a rich frame. The building itself, as has been established, is surrounded by a park area with working fountains and statues of elephants in the natural value, monkeys and other animals. Must recognize a very beautiful place.

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