Paphos - a city without pathos :)


Going on vacation to Cyprus, I had a hard intention just to get over for the entire work year, wash off the fatigue in the warm waters of the sea and ... no excursions! But it was not there ... Immediately at the arrival at the hotel fascinated the local attitude of tourists: go somewhere, to see something, something to buy something :). Therefore, I bought a brochure with useful information for the guests of Paphos, carefully studied it and, following the advice (or, more precisely, being "programmed") of the informant, sent his steps to the most beautiful place in this fabulous edge - to the place where the goddess got out of the waves Aphrodite ... This is the most recognizable place not only Paphos, and all Cyprus. But no photo, no postcard could transfer the atmosphere of admiration and adoption of the magty and beauty of this place - it is necessary not only to see, it is necessary to breathe!

To be saturated with this unimaginable beauty, you can stay on the local beach that most tourists are doing, enjoying not only the impression of the landscape, and the softness of the beach sand and the tenderness of sea water ...

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And already, if it is not destined to spend all holidays in the hotel room, I decided to give him a couple of excursions on this paradise on earth. It is very easy here to find a conductor for an individual excursion or join the recruitment group, accompanied by a travel company employee. I chose a second option - to avoid misunderstandings that may arise due to ignorance. We were brought to second place, which cannot be not visited by lovers of history, mythology and simply to someone who wishes to join ancient beauty. This is the Archaeological Park of Kato, which UNESCO took under his care. The most visits are "experiencing" relics that are here depicting scenes from charming Greek mythology is an ancient mosaic.

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Part of this archaeological park are the so-called Tomb of Kings located in the northern part of the coast. This is an Hellenistic necropolis, where members of royal families are buried in the caves dug in the rocks.

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And driving approximately 10 kilometers per city we found themselves in an unusual place - in the monastery of one of the most revered saints here - St. Neophyte. Here, Neophyte found a cave, which he turned over the year of stubborn labor to the Church of the Skit, and the next seven years worked on to dive into the rock also the refectory. Unusual place! Having visited him, I learned how rumors about the righteous neophyte gathered his adherents here, who, following the example of the neophyte himself, also equipped the Kieli here. There is still a valid monastery here. So these were two excursions instead of one :)

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Everything is close here, there are no long distances - it is not possible to spend a lot of time to move! That's just that we were in a place inspiring to prayer, asceticism and thoughts about the meaning of life, and after half an hour, new feelings fill - I would like to plunge not in the history of ancient Greece, but at the most present pleasure for the tired body - in the sea, washing the heated sun The shores of the sandy beach! And nothing will keep from the performance of this desire :) The beach is the pathos himself in the miniature: here hear a spectacle of a variety of peoples of the world, here you will see the chores and the Germans, and the Poles, and Russians, and the British ... and the Turks!

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Most importantly, I personally liked me so much that I will definitely come to this city - such a modern and at the same time ancient, is the fact of the inability to often eat! :) Here you live "on the breath", here you want to have time to go everywhere, to become involved And see as much as possible. There is no longer before visiting restaurants and cafes - especially since drinking fresh fruit juice or mineral water can be almost at every step, not sitting down at the table. But in the morning, in front of long excursions and pleasant hikes on the beach, the hotel's restaurant can eat and take a "dry paja" with you. And the worker of the restaurant you carefully pacifies it and shakes my head, they say "How are you again all day without hot?" :) But the buffet is just a divine - and the freshest fruits, and vegetables of the sea, drinks, and cheeses. , and dried fish, and the same meat ... In short, it is good that I could not stay all vacation at the hotel. Net would have to buy clothes for a couple of sizes more!

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This is the best place to stay and "DICER", and an organized group, and for people lonely, and for a family is a city for everyone who wants to visit paradise in life ...

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