What should I look at the Elbe?


Elba Island, famous thanks to the venance prisoner Napoleon Bonaparte.

What should I look at the Elbe? 8511_1

Most of the attractions that are on this island are to one degree or another are associated with this loud name.

Attractions Elba.

What should I look at the Elbe? 8511_2

Villa San Martino . Slavnya his story. Beautiful villa, was erected at the request of Napoleon's niece, De Montor's Countess. Now it is a museum in which the relics of the imperial family with the thrill. We have visited the museum, can see the many priceless historical relics with one's own eyes, including exclusive works of art, antique furniture and weapons of that era.

Palace Moulini . Interesting in that it was built not in an ordinary place, but on the site of the old church by that time already destroyed. It has a very spectacular appearance and is among the most outstanding and famous, attractions of the island of Elba.

City of Portofoferia . It is the capital of the island and a large number of interesting places and historical sights, such as the ruins of strengthening walls.

Church S.Stefano Alle Trane . Cozy is located in the capital of the island. Built in Romanesque style and called it, a sample of classical architecture.

Altura Etrusca Del Castiglione Fortress . Will lead to an enthusiastic condition, lovers of history, since it is associated with very many curious and interesting stories.

International Art Center Museum Italo Bolano . From visitors, there is no postboy here, since this center is the most interesting cultural object. Such a huge popularity is caused by the fact that in the walls of the art center, a unique collection of painting is stored and among the many cloths, there are simply priceless masterpieces of the Middle Ages.

Botanical Garden Ottone . An ideal place to cover from sultry weather in the summer. There are many rare plant species. The Botanical Garden has the most interesting design that is necessary to see.

Villa Le-Grotte . It was built in the distant times of the Roman Empire. The structure itself, not survived to the present day and today is the picturesque ruins.

Mont-Serrato Gorge . In the depths of this cave, the church was opened, which keeps an invaluable relic - the icon of Black Madonna.

Eberg Castle . It was built by the project of Adolf Voz in the nineteenth century.

This is not all interesting places of Elba, but it is they who belong to the most popular and most visited.

What should I look at the Elbe? 8511_3

By the way, on the Elbe, a lot of beaches, and all of them as the selection are canceled, therefore, to describe them and allocate the best, it simply does not make sense.

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