Calm idyll Mauritia


By wishes to visit the fabulous Mauritius, you caught fire with my husband after the enthusiastic reviews of the common friend who visited there. Prices for rest through a travel agency for our family budget seemed to be biting, and it was decided to organize a vacation independently. A room in the hotel booked almost 4 months ahead, as a date with Mauritius was planned for the New Year holidays, and this is a hot season. A large number of Europeans go to the sun, especially a lot of French, whose language is a brother to local Creole.

Our hotel was located in the cozy Tamarin Bay Bay. It is closed, so there was no high waves. The place is quite secluded and inappropriate. Not far from the tiny and the only nearby town with a pair of shops. Peace and Nega surrounded us throughout the entire time spent in this blessed place.

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To explore the island, they made units on local buses. Taxi turned out to be expensive, and the drivers did not get bargains categorically. Local buses were quite suitable for movement, the only minus - they often looped, having driving into all the villages along the way, so travel was slow.

First of all, familiarized with the beaches of Mauritius. All of them are in perfect condition. We have not seen such a thorough cleaning of the coastline! Not only trash, but also debris corals, algae remains, sieved sand. Moreover, such cleaning was regular not only on hotel beaches, but also on public. Maybe therefore the local population likes so much on the coast. As soon as the weekend came, the Mauritius of different age groups, families and simply companies of friends, massively poured to the sea on picnics and barbecue. By the way, one of whom to our compatriots should learn to spend time outdoors. Everything passed chinno peacefully. There were also dancing with music, and beer-wine with fragrant kebabs and other snacks. But no drunken screams and disassembly, especially fighting. They caught, walked, rested - gathered trash for themselves and home. Beauty!

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The best beaches as we counted, in the north of the island. Mult kilometers, with snow-white velvet sand and magnificent water color - bright turquoise. The southern beaches are located mainly in small coves among rocky protrusions. In this part of the island of brown greenery due to frequent, but short rains. Here we went on an excursion to the zoo look at the giant turtles, crocodiles and other, cute and not very, animals. Crocodiles were in the enclosures, they could not get to them, however, did not really want. But to the turtles access free. You can not only take a picture, but also stroke, feel a miracle-shell.

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Although all memories from vacation are very bright and pleasant, especially liked a cruise on the trimarans to the neighboring islands. The walk took almost all day. While walked around the sea, local rhythms on guitars and drums played. Stayed a couple of times to streame with the mask. The equipment was included in the cost of a cruise, so everyone participated in dives. There was a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere. In addition to hot meals (meat on open fire), treated fresh juices, fruit and beer. There were more hottest drinks in the form of brandy, vodka and wines of different types. At cost, about $ 100 went out - for such an interesting sightseeing trip, quite a suitable price.

There were still fishing. The catch was otned: a few blue marliners and a dorado, the most caught tuna. But it turned out that the whole of the largest fish should be given to the owners of the catamaran. They are then sold it to local restaurants and hotels. We were able to pick up the one that the lamb is a couple of cats, small tuna and dorado. Let all the prey did not receive, but there were colorful memories from the process, plus a wonderful view of the island and leaving the distance water expanses.

The island itself is full of wondrous and exciting towns with waterfalls, all sorts of plantations and factors for the production of tea, coffee, vanilla. There are volcanoes, Hindu temples and other, employed for tourists, corners. To ride at such points, you can rent a car. But we were warned that the roads often go into a winding serpentine, where two cars are difficult to drive around. So we took a car with the driver. For money came almost the same. The path was really sitting in some places with steep shutters and lifts, we talked about the nerves.

Stay at Mauritius is comparable to accommodation in the paradise bunks. We dream to go back there again. Especially since the visa is not needed, if you, of course, does not plan to stay on the island longer than 30 days.

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