Journey through January Balaclava - Yachts, Open Sea, Submarine Museum and Movie Routes


Journey through January Balaclava - Yachts, Open Sea, Submarine Museum and Movie Routes 8503_1

Balaclava is the Royal Sea City. For the first time, I was lucky enough to visit us with my beloved in January of this year. It so happened that it was at that time they gave us a vacation. Initially, we thought that the Crimea would upset us, winter is still. And, about joy!, When they got there, they understood - here it is spring, among the terrible winter. Everything is accepted quickly green, on the street so sunny heat that can be walking in an unbuttoned spring jacket. We lived in Sevastopol, but every holiday day organized excursions to different places. Among them was Balaclava. We had a budget leisure, so we proceeded a lot on foot. And so we burned out of Sevastopol to 5 kilometers. We rode from Sevastopol, left at the Victory Park stop, it seems that it was a minibus number 23. They came out on the final and waited a couple of minutes, they moved to a bus number 9. I got to stop "Balaklava", the truth for the first time - for one The stop, came out, but the two ways were divorced in Balaklava. In general, I had to go for a long time until the bay. It is also called "fishing nest". When we got there, I realized why - from all sides, everywhere, around you mountains, and in the middle of the sea.

Journey through January Balaclava - Yachts, Open Sea, Submarine Museum and Movie Routes 8503_2

And only one side remains without the mountains - this is an open beautiful Black Sea. For the start, we doubled the two of the megacracy balaklava mountains. View - awesome-gorgeous. On the one hand, cool yachts of local rich are visible, and on the other - the open sea, whose boundaries cannot be seen. For those who are afraid of height, I myself am such a thing)), the climbing on the mountain was a real female feat. Because, before the middle, the road is still leading, but only then you need to climb the usual slope, where there are neither comfortable handrails or familiar steps. Therefore, I suffered fear. But, but, then, when we rose all the same upstairs, I saw the trails on which not one domestic film about the defense of Sevastopol was filmed, and for the first time in the life of an excellent endless sea with a huge view of a bird'scape, and the clouds at a level with our own glance. But this is just one magnificent side of the balaclava. By the way, I went there for free. When descended, they began to admire the set of yachts. Here their sea is from cheap boats to huge royal yachts. By the way, we were told that you could move to another Balaklava shore for the N-th sum.

We immediately refused, because on the way to Balaklava, they discovered another road parallel to the local submarine museum. The ticket was at all cheap there. I do not remember exactly, but up to 50 UAH. Entering there, we glanced on the sides: the equipment of the infantrymen, the bay, where the boats were repaired, even the mannequins themselves of the underwater station. Photos could be done freely. There were very striking parts of submarines, their description and minimeta. They came out - and again the sea, yachts, chic look and seagulls. Even in winter there are many of them. That was the same for us in all the beauty of Balaclava.

Journey through January Balaclava - Yachts, Open Sea, Submarine Museum and Movie Routes 8503_3

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