Copenhagen - a city of fabulous mermaid


What do we associate Denmark? Of course, with its capital Copenhagen city. And what is it in turn connected in our mind? Of course, with the fairy tales of Andersen. It is not by chance that the main symbol of the city and the main tourist object in Copenhagen is a monument to one of the heroines of his works - mermaid. This monument is the first on the way of any tourist group coming to the capital of Denmark. Therefore, to approach it and take a picture almost impossible. He is constantly rusked by tourists. And, for some reason, always, to more, guests from the Middle Kingdom. Such doubt was originated after the second visit to the object after a couple of years. But, nevertheless, it is worth breaking to the monument, because there is a legend that if you lose a little mermaid for a certain place (!), I will definitely come true desire.

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By the way, it is not necessary to try to find access from sushi to it. You can just go on a tour of Copenhagen on a boat from the main pier in the city center, and one of the stops will be just near the Mermaid. You will be able to photograph it from water in a more attractive perspective and there is a guarantee that some casual tourist will not fall into your frame. It is from the side of the boat that one can consider another amazing building - the famous building of the Copenhagen Opera. Inside, we were not, but outside it is very beautiful, performed in some futuristic manner.

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Another of the attractions of Copenhagen, which all guides speak during a sightseeing tour, is Christianity. It is difficult to determine exactly what is this place. But, as stated at the entrance to this peculiar city of local hippies - "entering the territory of Christiania, you are coming out of the jurisdiction of the Danish kingdom." Inside reigns a serefiguous lifestyle, and pulling all sorts of established rules. This also applies to the dress code (no social norms), and opportunities directly on the street are fastened to some detrimental habits without any shock. In general, the impressions of this place are not very pleasant, the benefit of the whole territory of Christianity is only a few quarters of Copenhagen.

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