Shopping in Laos: What can I buy?


Laos, an exotic country located in the very center of Southeast Asia, less popular among tourists than Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and China, adjacent to him. And as a result, from this from such an exotic country, you want to bring something original and amazing that it would be reminded of visiting Laos for many years. And to purchase this, in the Lund, quite real.

Laos is famous for all indochina, with its temple art, which is no wonder, because a huge amount is built here for Buddhist religious structures. In fact, local artists are sitting near each temple. Drawing thematic paintings from the life of the Buddha and his environments. And right here you can order a picture of yourself, or buy already ready made from the same place. Also, with temples, there are specialized benches, in which you can buy Buddha figures made from various materials, engravings with it, and other figurines for religious subjects. It is especially worth noting that it is worth gaining this kind of artifacts only with temples, or in special antique stores, in which each figure of the Buddha has its own register number, and in case of acquisition, you must give a certificate confirming the legality of the purchase and the right to Disport from the country. Otherwise, in case of failure to submit such a certificate to customs officers on the road, it is confiscated at best, and in the case of increased historical values, a penalty will be charged or entered into prison. It should be borne in mind, because dubious offers to buy antique things at a fairly cheap price, constantly enter local markets.

Shopping in Laos: What can I buy? 8475_1

Women in Laos will definitely be interested in manual products made in traditional Lao Patchwork technique. It is used everywhere, on bags, on bedspreads, scarves and other textile products. The largest range of goods created using this folk vehicle can be seen at the Khmong night market in Luang Prabang, which is one of the most attractive for tourists, after the capital of Vientiane.

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Attractive for tourists will be all sorts of original souvenirs made of wood, leather, fabrics and stone. These are a variety of dolls, caskets, vases, sketches, etc., having their own features and legends. As an example, by local beliefs, crafts from a mango tree, are considered to be perfectly scared the evil spirits, and the kitchen utensils from the palm tree is not afraid of water at all. From very exotic, you can buy all sorts of tinctures with scorpions, mice and snakes. Local sellers say that they help with a very wide range of diseases, but to try or not, to solve each personally.

Shopping in Laos: What can I buy? 8475_3

Lao coffee is not as popular in our country, like Brazilian or Colombian, which is completely undeserved, because it has an amazing taste and excellent quality. It is best to buy it in the grains in special packages equipped with a special valve. This will help to avoid fakes that alas are in local markets.

Shopping in Laos: What can I buy? 8475_4

If your travel on Laos is not limited to the capital region, that is, sense to postpone shopping before visiting less large cities. There and prices are cheaper, and things are more exotic and interesting. Luang Prabang is considered the most ideal city for shopping in Laos, which is located in the north of the country.

And the last, as elsewhere in Asian countries, traveled, tramble and bargain once again. With all the goodwill of local residents to tourists from Russia, they still do not mind to work out.

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