Negombo: Useful information for tourists


Nembo, thanks to his proximity to the largest airport, Sri Lanka is a fairly popular resort, including Russians. And the flow of tourists from our country every year everything increases. In this regard, it will not be superfluous to discuss some moments of behavior and the peculiarities of the local life that will help make a vacation more comfortable.

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"Thanks to a long-term British colonization, as well as the proximity of India, in which English is the second state, the inhabitants of Sri Lanka are more or less generally in English. And if you still add amazing responsiveness, goodwill and willingness to come to the rescue that are peculiar to Lankans, then we can say that when you possess the basic vocabulary of the English words of problems in communications with local residents and hotel staff, there will be no.

- In general, it is believed that tips in Nembo, and throughout the island as a whole, the phenomenon is optional, however it is worth it to give a few rupees porter, a waiter or someone from the service personnel, then you will see how the attitude to you change, with the change This will be striking. So I tend to believe that the tips should be left. It will cost in the singer of a penny, and the comfort will bring a lot. We consider the amount of Tippet at your own discretion.

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- Negombo is a very cosmopolitan and multi-sided city, and in this regard, it may seem that the style of clothes here is quite free, but traditional norms still exist and especially they concern the female half of humanity. The appearance in public places, in frank dresses (naked shoulders, through chur short skirts or shorts, etc.) can cause a certain negative reaction.

This is especially true of visiting urban temples. As an example, when visiting Buddhist temples, you need to remove the caps and baseball caps, be sure to cover bare legs and shoulders, and be sure to remove shoes.

- It will not be superfluous to remind about respectful attitude to the cults. It is impossible to hug the statue of the Buddha in order to take pictures with her. Alas, but with this many tourists sin. Also in local traditions, very respectful respect for the monks, there are a lot of here.

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- Despite the fact that Russian cellular operators have roaming agreements with Lankanski, it is still best to use SIM cards of local operators, even more so that they have very much and very profitable tariffs. Moreover, almost all local operators (and five of them) offer tourist rates with relatively cheap Internet 3G and international calls. You can buy SIM cards directly at Bandaranica Airport, where there are shops of all mobile operators in the arrival area. When buying, it is worth asking for consultants to immediately set up 3G Internet.

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- It makes sense to say a few words about security in Nembo. Dangers in Sri Lanka, are generally divided into two types: natural and man-made.

Natural primarily include the ocean. During the period of the so-called "rainy season", that for Sri Lanka, the concept is very conditional, as it rains are poured not as in other countries indochy, ocean waves can be very large and strong. Alas, but accidents with tourists overestimated their capabilities and going to swim during the period of strong unrest, not uncommon. The second natural danger, oddly enough, are monkeys. These creatures causing a smile in most traveling are amazing beggars and even thiefs. So in no case should you leave the bags, cameras and other small things to be left without them.

Crimes from citizens of the island in relation to tourists, very rarity. Basically, everything comes down to small frauds, sale of fake gold and decoration, and similar things. It is especially worth noting credit card fraud. In Nembo, they are massive. And in this regard, to remove funds from the map or in the branches of banks or in large hotels.

Alas, but there are violent actions towards women. Fortunately, this is a very rare phenomenon, but still it happens. And therefore, on the outskirts of Negombo, girls should appear solely accompanied by men.

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