Pros and cons rest in Rovinyi


The city is built by the Italians exactly as Venice, it was located on the island, which today simply merged with the coast. Rovinja has an isolated enclave of expensive five-star hotels with their own sandy beaches. But as almost everywhere in Croatia, bad stony beaches or concrete slabs. Rovinji and neighboring villages with beaches are connected by boats, buses go less often and they are less comfortable. All that below the level of 5 stars simply does not make sense, since the price value and quality value will be bad. What is the way it is impossible to say about the "private sector". Although it is also very and very different in Istria, more meaning has to take private apartments. After the Croats worked in the EU, and the level of comfort in homes sometimes struck at home. In Croatia, amazing quality products and a very unimportant kitchen, so if you cook yourself, you definitely do not lose.

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A typical "wild beach" - stones and concrete, the sea is petty, the bottom is stony (without rubber slippers in the water are not included)

However, Rovinji is relatively expensive place for Istria. Rovinji for Italians is about the same as the Germans Koenigsberg. This is a city built by Italians, with the predominance of the Italian population. However, after World War II, the Italians whose country fought on the side of Germany chose to leave and Tito settled in Rovinji Serbs. The Serbs quickly assimilated here and felt their Croats and even during the conflict in Yugoslavia, there were no problems here. And because the Western, Italian side of Istria is about twice as much as the Eastern Austrian, which is amazing for the local population. The fact is that the sea here is petty, water is often muddy, but the water temperature is always a degree 3 above the west coast. Although it is not so noticeable in Rovinji as above, closer to the blame. This is a former agricultural region and he has never been Riviera. The second minus Rovinyi - in many places mosquito so much that it seems that you are in the tundra and sometimes you have to sleep under a mosquito net. But nevertheless, tourists in the West Bank of Istria are more than east.

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The facades of the houses are still waiting for the restoration, although Karavella looks very romantic.

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Stretch that ends right in the sea

The unconditional plus of Rovinji is an amazing atmosphere of the medieval city: the narrow streets ending right into the sea, however, the city is not fully restored, in the cold season in it, raw and dresses. In Rovinji, a good market, a very tasty beef of a special breed - Bocharin. On the elevation, a good look opens from the top of the hill, on which there is a church of St. Epiphany. From Rovinji, you can go on a tour to Venice, on excursions in Croatia. But if you do not ride anywhere and only to relax in the usual hotel or in a private apartment, then more than a week to withstand it hard.

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Medieval atmosphere of the city

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