What excursions worth visiting in Goa?


Exotic India, such a mysterious and mysterious, will be slightly closer and clearer thanks to numerous excursions around the country. The ruins of old religious structures and the current modern temples, impassable jungle and their inhabitants, the life of modern cities and secluded fishing villages - all this can be seen in Goa and neighboring states.

Dudshagar waterfall

Dudshagar's waterfall is considered the second largest waterfall in India. Here you can buy in a waterfall and in the lake, feed and repent pictures of wild jungle monkeys, ride on an Indian elephant or swim with them. Also in the program tour of the spice plantation, lunch in a picturesque place near the water branch and a visit to the Hindu Temple and Catholic Temples of Goa, who are protected by UNESCO: Saint Catherine's Cathedral and Basilica Bom Jesus. The cost of excursion from 55 dollars, the price includes lunch.

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Temples and Palaces Hampi

A trip to Hampi is a village in the north of Carnataka, which is 400 kilometers from Goa, is considered one of the best excursions in the region. Here are the ruins of the ancient capital of the Vijayanagar Empire, which in the days of her greatness was compared with ancient Rome. Magnificent palaces, markets, peasant houses, the perfectly preserved temple complex Virupaksha (the temple with the same name is valid to this day), sounding columns - that small part that can be seen on excursions in Hampi. Hampi is also a place of Hindu religious pilgrimage. The cost of a two-day excursion - from $ 145, the price includes the night of 3 stars and input tickets to all complexes.

Hampi and Small Tibet

The trip reminds the excursion of "Temples and the Hampp Palaces", just adds a trip to Small Tibet - the settlement of the monks who fled from Tibet. Here you can see the temples in the male and female Buddhist monasteries, see how monks live, to get acquainted closer with Buddhist philosophy and learn about the history of Tibet and the fate of people. The cost of a two-day excursion - from 175 dollars.

In general, there are a lot of excursions "Trip to Hampi". For example, Hampi is combined with a rest on the divine lake - fresh reservoir with magnificent views around. Or a visit to Hampi and Badami - a temple complex, cut down in a rocky stone surrounded by a grand canyon, reddish-red cliffs and lakes in the middle.

Sea Walk and Fort Aguada

The tour program includes snorkeling, fishing, bathing in the open sea with dolphins, rest at the island of Grand and visiting the edge of Kandolim one of the most preserved Portuguese forts - Aguada. The Fort from the Red Brick, located at the mouth of the Mandodi River, with one of the most famous lighthouses of the world - one of the main attractions of North Goa. The cost of excursion with dinner is from $ 45 (for vacationers in Northern Goa, a surcharge of South Goa takes a surgery for moving). By the way, tourists, vacationers in Northern Goa, can well get to Fort Aguada - on foot on the chain of beaches leading to Kandolim.

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Ride on the paradise beaches of Palis and Cola

The two most beautiful southern Goa Beach with magnificent views, clean sea growing right on the beach with coconut palm trees and a special atmosphere. Here you can ride a boat around the sea or a river with the name is quiet, have lunch with fresh fish, if you see Dolphins. Both beach are in the south of the state, 20 minutes away from each other. The cost of excursions - from $ 15, from the tourists of the northernmost beaches of Goa is charged for additional transport.

North Goa and Markets in Arpore and Anjuna

The Northern Goa program includes a visit to the state of the state - Panji, a visit to the Church of the Immaculate Conception and Shopping. On Saturdays, tourists are brought to the night market in Arpore, on Wednesdays - on the day market in Andun. Markets in Goa are unusual and entertaining. In addition to trading in various handmad, spices, clay dishes, local souvenirs, national indian clothing, hammocks, silver products, here you can listen to live music, try real local food and watch hippies, chose the north of the state. The cost of the excursion is from $ 25.

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Murdeshvar, Gokarna and Holidays on the beach

To get to Gokarnu and Murdeshvar, you will have to go from Goa to Carnataka again. Gokarna is a sacred place for Hindus, the center of Hinduism. Ohm Beach is one of the four beaches of Gokarna, who became famous thanks to the shape of his shore, resembling the sacred sign of the Universe - Ohm. Murdeshwar is a fishing village and the same as the Gokarna, a religious center. Here is the religious complex, built on the hill of the candy and washed from three sides by the Arabian Sea - an impressive spectacle. The cost of excursions from $ 70, from the tourists of Northern Goa is charged for transport.

Pattadakal, Aikhol and Badami. Bijapur

Pattadakal, Aikhol and Badami are the ancient capital of once the powerful Empires of South India. There is a huge number of ancient temples. Pattadakal, or Grad Ruby Crown, with its temples, is protected by UNESCO as an architectural monument. Aikhol, located near the Malprabraha River, is famous for the number of temples: their more than a hundred, and also the fact that at home and life of the locals practically did not change for those hundreds of years, which was held from the great kingdom of the Chhalukya dynasty. In Badami, you can see the famous temple complexes in the rocks, as well as feed monkeys who love to be in local temples. Bijapur is an amazingly beautiful city, the former center of the Principality of Bijapur, is famous for its mausoleums (especially Mausoleum Golgumbaz), mosques, military structures, palaces and minarets. The cost of a two-day excursion with overnight stay 3 stars Pattadakal, Aikhol and Badami - from $ 145, Pattadakal, Aikhol, Badas and Bijapur - from $ 180.

Golden triangle India

Tour in Agru, Delhi and Jaipur will allow you to get acquainted with the pearls of India, officially recognized miracle of the world. Acquaintance from Delhi, one of the biggest and colorful cities in the world, visiting the famous Taj Mahal, Mausoleum from a snow-white marble, built as a sign of the Great Love, as well as a walk through Jaipur, called a pink city due to the unusual pinkish color of the stone used in construction Main buildings - all this is waiting for an excursion to the Golden Triangle of India. Excursions are like a three-day - Delhi Agra and four-day - Delhi-Agra-Jaipur. The cost of a three-day excursion is from 650 dollars, four-day - from 750, the price includes Flights Goa Delhi Goa or Goa Delhi, Jaipur Goa and accommodation in 3 stars with breakfast.

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