Yerevan - European City with Armenian traditions


Yerevan - the capital of Armenia. This is an ancient city, which is located in the edge of the mountain peaks, ancient monasteries for the melodious sounds of the twin. Yerevan is located on the very edge of Europe.

For the first time in Yerevan, the man will seem to seem to be some flashmob here, because you can see white Niva on the roads everywhere. The love of Armenians to these cars stretches from Soviet times. Armenia - the country of mountain, off-road here is not uncommon. So Niva became the first Soviet full-driving SUV. Until now, Armenians have retained a reverent attitude to this car. They are kept carefully, repaired, even tuning.

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Duduk is considered a very complex tool, even experienced musicians need to apply a lot of effort during the game. Duduk is the soul of Armenia, when you hear it, immediately becomes sad. In these sounds, all sorrow about the former tragedies of the whole people. Once Armenia was a great empire, and today it is a small state, lost among Muslim countries. The tragedies were so much that most of the population left the country in search of a good life. Of the 15 million Armenians in native land left only 3 million.

Yerevan is also called a pink city, as residential buildings and other buildings are built of colored tuff (volcanic stone).

The central attractions of Yerevan - Cascade, which is a long staircase with artificial waterfalls and fountains. This is the most favorite place of citizens and tourists.

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On the square in front of the cascade there is a gallery of modern sculptures: hares on elephants, hares of acrobats, seal, lion from automotive tires. In addition to the original, there are copies of famous sculptures: New Yehorsky Love Monument, Glowing Sculpture of Nice.

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Carpets are sold on the streets of the city, repairing hours are made in old cars. So remove the room in the center of the city is very expensive, so repair the clock in the car.

The passage in the Yerevan bus is very cheap, about 100 dram. Armenians are holy than their traditions and even fast phuts are national - Armenian. All local know that this is the best place to eat tasty and satisfy. Therefore, there are always a lot of people.

Yerevan - European city. All because Armenians do not consider themselves asiats, but consider themselves part of Europe. But it is worth going down 20 km from the city, you immediately understand what you are in the Caucasian country. Cow roam the roads, the locals go to the iszhaki.

Armenians are a very believer people, so stopping at night in an inexpensive hostel, notice that the Bible will lie near each bed.

The most popular landmark of Armenia is the Tatev Monastery, this is one of the oldest monasteries of Armenia and is located far in the mountains. If you want to feel the spirit of the Armenian people - you here. There is a monastery of 250 kilometers from Yerevan.

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More convenient to get to him by taxi. Taxi travel in both directions will cost $ 80, but it is faster and more comfortable than bus. To get to the territory of the monastery, it is necessary to sit on the Knock Road "Wings Tateva". It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, and is the longest cable car in the world. Tatev translates from Armenian as "give wings." It is said that when the master completed this monastery, he became on the edge of the abyss and asked God the wings, and then rushed down and took off. Armenian monasteries look a poorly, since they have previously performed the function of the defensive fortress. All Armenia loves this monastery very much. It is believed that getting a blessing from a local father is the highest grace. Inside the monastery, it is also restrained: naked walls painted with frescoes and modest vintage icons.

If you were in Armenia and did not see Mount Ararat, then many missed. An hour's drive from Yerevan there is a village - the observation deck choir Virap. For Armenians, Ararat is considered a sacred place, as on this grief after the great flood, Noah came off the ark. They say on the grief still lie the remains of his ship. It is strange that Ararat is considered the main shrine of Armenia, but is located on the territory of another state. About one hundred years ago, the mountains captured the Turks, but Armenians still consider Ararat her. They relate to this shrine with special trepidation and tenderness and never be taught with loss. Therefore, Ararat at the same time and grief and joy for all Armenians.

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