Is Serfaus suitable for recreation with children?


Surfaus ski resort is located in the picturesque Oberes-Intal valley, in the radiation of the most powerful river of the region - TIN and is a small (up to 1000 people) of the village with the National Tyrolean Colorite.

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In principle, the resort is relatively "young." Just a few years ago, Surfaus resort combined into a single zone of skiing with highways of Fiss and Ladis villages, now this unified region, the length of more than 380 kilometers is represented by 200 kilometers of magnificent descents of various complexity and 150 kilometers of running, ski sports.

Security at the resort is valid the most general attention, all the lifts are the most modern. Runs for skating

Along with the perfectly designed and trained tracks of various complexity (mostly high-cost highways prevail), the resort is famous as the most "children's ski resort" in all regions of Austria. Meet here on the lifts of children fully equipped for riding, but with a set of diapers and nipples - the usual thing.

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Even the lifts are specially equipped for the carriage of small skiers and not only independently, there are special devices for the carriage of very small children, even in wheelchairs. And all because the Serefaus resort is the most famous in all the slopes of the Alps Kindergarten "Kinderschneealm Serfaus".

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This delightful kindergarten is at an altitude of up to 2,000 meters and occupies a very extensive territory (equal to half of ski trails in Zelden). All the number of attractions, children's entertainment is simply described. But I will try from the very beginning. There are two types of kindergartens, the difference of which is only at the site of the situation in the territory of specialized children's parks.

As he wrote above, in Serfaus on the territory of Kinderschneealm Children's Park, there is a children's school and Murley Park, and in the neighboring villages of Fiss and Ladis - the Kinderland Berti is located. You can get there from any place of the resort, all two children's parks are perfectly combined among themselves serpentine cable children's lifts.

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Sadik Murley, it's not just a kindergarten, it is rather ski nursery. There is a "Yasolno - kindergarten" Murley directly in the center of Serfaus at the intermediate station of the lift company and is designed to teach children from the smallest age from six months to 5 years.

Kinderschneealm Park is decorated with wooden figures of various animals, the mass of playgrounds and minor, gentle slopes are built directly for the training of children. There are a swing, not a bad snow park for hiking games. And a huge amount of entertainment.

When entering the kindergarten, the guys are distributed in the age category and degree of preparedness. Ski skiing lessons are held with children from 3 years on special very gentle tracks equipped immediately in the park. And for quite small, a very lightweight training program is provided (naturally under the guidance of professional instructors and teachers). This category of kids has its own "track of adventure"

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Passing along the road with fabulous heroes, where the kids waiting for the "Cave of Dinosaurs", "Bear Berloga", lifting to the "witch house" on special children's elevators and visits to puppet ideas.

Children who do not want to spend all their time in teaching skiing can spend a great time riding on specially equipped slides on traditional sleds, and what is the most remarkable along with parents or ride with an instructor on Moto Sanya (miniature "children's" snowmobiles). For such entertainment in the park, a unique route was built (by the way the only one in his birth is not only in Austria but also in Europe).

And for small visitors to the Children's Park, a gaming labyrinth of ice and snow "Lgludorf" was built. There, very small "skiers" are broken down in full, wearing well-lighted snow tunnels and labyrinths, play hide and catching and catching, again under the non-primary control of teachers.

In addition to playing in the fresh air, children provide the ability to "get warm" in special game rooms,

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Publish, do applied art on hobbies, and after dinner in a wonderful children's restaurant or relax on sun beds or hammocks in a recreation area along with parents.

For quite small (from 3 months), it is better to visit Children's nursery "Bertas Kindergarten" in the village of Fiss Ladis. There, experienced nanny and teachers will look at the child until parents enjoy skiing.

Although Serfaus also also has its own nursery, where young kids are offered interesting educational games for interests, group walks around the town with a visit to the "Park of the Chipmunka". For kids, dancing lessons are organized, and the theatrical representation of clowns. The cost of all this child's magnificence is not very huge, if we take into account the attention and care of the teachers and the instructor show "nursing" with a variety of defensions, while their dads and moms are carelessly driving on the tracks.

Yasten kindergarten (babes up to 2.5 years old) per day will cost 35-40 euros, and this is what is an excellent lunch in the children's restaurant. Older kids (from 3 years and above), such a skiing kindergarten will cost 55 euros, as well as with a wonderful dinner.

In general, describing the resort Serfaus, I would like to mention its environmentally friendly climate. It is forbidden to move on any type of transport with an internal combustion engine. Instead of familiar in all similar resorts of ski buses, in Serfaus, the modern metro was built in 4 stations, where the delivery of tourists and vacationers is responsible for the train on the air cushion.

About the place of accommodation I would recommend taking care in advance. The resort is always very crowded and the most economical options for accommodation are occupied by guests. Especially popular inexpensive family hotels

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(mostly three-star), located in close proximity to kindergartens and from the lifts.

By the way, at the resort, every Wednesday (closer to the evening) organize a beautiful laser show in the open sky. The sky over the village is illuminated by colorful fireworks. And adults can have fun at night riding on the illuminated tracks or the whole family to ride sleds from a hill, or to rest perfectly (under the light of torches) in an open family park "Family Park".

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