Pleasant acquaintance with Madeira


In Portugal, it was unexpectedly - a relaxing trip was presented with their natives on the anniversary. According to the reviews, I was waiting for an amazing country with chagging landscapes. And I began to be surprised at the airport in Fushal. We rushed out of tight clouds to meet the isochki and terrible cliffs. And the landing band turned out to be very short, which picked the extreme and admiration for the skill of pilots. Landed safely.

The island really turned out to be quite picturesque. The ocean played all the shades of deep blue and turquoise, the rays of the hospitable Portuguese sun were generously poured from the cloudless sky, and the local vegetation was abundant decorated with blooming and fragrant caps. Then he learned that the local land is called a paradise corner of permafrost, since it constantly blooms here.

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The beaches of sandy natural origin on the island is not. Mostly pebbles. I urgently had to buy rubber special slippers. True, somehow I came across a sandy beach, but the soft sand was only at the shore, and in the water I was waiting for the tricky pebbles again. Water had a comfortable temperature, it was nice to come. Sometimes they embarrassed the waves, quite large, which pulled off the bathrs away from the coast, and thus had to work hard and legs to go back. How-no ocean!

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From Madeira not far there is a remarkable island of Porto Santo. On the ferry the road took only two hours. The swimming itself was like an excursion - so much interesting saw from the board. Porto Santo Slanged with his healing beaches. Specifically, the healing is sand, completely rich in minerals and favorably affecting the body. They stayed on one of these beaches a few hours: bathed, sunbathing, lunch at the local cozy and inexpensive cafe. I did not notice a special change in health - I probably spent a little time in the healing sand. But I liked the island.

Another college took Monis in Porto, which was located in the west of Madeira. Walk through a picturesque embankment and a visit to several souvenir shops - that's the whole excursion. Full of tourists, just hive. Most of this trip, I liked the road there and back. When they went to Monis, they stayed at Cape Kabu-Zhiran. The view, opening from the observation deck, is worthy to stay on the postcard dedicated to the island: Rockies and an infinitely beautiful ocean, outgoing in the distance. And the return route with Monica ran along the heights of the mountain range. Panorama, which appeared before our eyes, was no less exciting.

And I really liked to wander in the evening streets of Madeira. Calmly and lightly, as the main mass closer to the night moves to the embankment. The streets are lit, a lot of inexpensive cafes with cozy interiors. Often dinner in Rua Da Carreira. Those who are in a happy accident will be in those regions, strongly recommend to take a glass of wine to dinner - it is excellent there.

My ten days flew unnoticed. The suitcase was replenished with small souvenirs, but in the heart smelled the wonderful beauty of the ocean, the game of his amazing paints and powerful greatness. I advise everyone to at least move on the sun's shores of the forever flowering Madeira.

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