Locarno: Useful information for tourists


Located with the shores of the beautiful Lake Lago Maggiore, Locarno is considered an amazing place in all Switzerland. The city of the world, as tourists and locals are called, after signing the international peace treaty on its territory. As a Swiss city, Locarno is more inherent in Italian notes that are felt in architectural styles that are especially allocated in the Piedmon region.

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Harmony reigns in the city, which allows you to make harmonious and rest here. But here there are features, as in other cities of the country.

1. Purchases in Locarno can pay with a credit card by non-cash payment in almost all major outlets, supermarkets, as well as in restaurants and gas stations. But it is quite difficult to remove money from the card in the city, because the ATMs are located only on the territory of large banks. Therefore, if you need cash, you should clarify the schedule of work of banking departments at the hotel where you stopped.

2. Travelers with some experience recommend tourists-novice to exchange currency even before arriving in the city and country. This is due to the fact that there are few exchange points in Lokarno, and those who work, offer quite disadvantaged exchange conditions. In addition, it is more profitable to pay the local currency, which are Swiss francs, although there is an opportunity in souvenir shops and small shops, pay dollars and euros.

3. Locarly differs in very unpredictable weather, so be sure to take with you extra warm things, even if you plan to come here in the summer, when the weather is warm enough. Rain at all can start dripping at any moment, although even ten minutes ago there was no cloud in the sky. Going for a walk through the surroundings or just longer, be sure to take a umbrella with you, or less heavy rain cloak.

4. Going to restaurants and cafes must be known about some local features. For example, that the tip waiter should be left only if they were not included in your common account. Tips must be about ten percent of the cost of the order and should be left only after the waiter will bring your surrender.

5. On the territory of the whole locally, except for restaurants and small cafes, there is a fairly large amount of cooking, which offer very favorable food prices, I would say the most profitable and economical prices. In them you can purchase a variety of salads, fresh pastries, desserts, deposit dishes and many other things. In addition, cooking always offers very high quality and delicious dishes. Mostly, they are located near major shopping centers, so if you want to save, I advise you to buy food in them.

6. Going on excursions on Locarno, remember that individual excursions are quite expensive. It is best to go to group excursions that are almost always twice as cheaper. Travelers just just go to any tourist office of the city, and ask you to record you on a group excursion. Then you can see the sights of the city and get acquainted with cultural programs, at a fairly reasonable price.

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7. Travel offices offer good discounts on some excursion and cultural and entertainment programs to pensioners. Therefore, in order to take advantage of so favorable offers, it is enough to take with you the necessary documents that will confirm your priesthood status.

8. Staying in hotels, it should be borne in mind that almost all of them comply with European standards. However, in the territories of many cities there is a sufficient number of hotels that have not yet done repairs, respectively, the sockets may not be changed to the euro sockets. In this case, it will be necessary to buy a special adapter. You can easily purchase it in any major supermarket or a shopping center, as well as in any electronics store.

9. The public transport network is very well developed in the locally, so you can easily get to any area of ​​the city on buses. You can also get to the surroundings of the city, where you can make excellent hiking.

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In the evenings, the only vehicle is considered a taxi. Its best to call on the phone to be confident in the fair value justice. It should be borne in mind that it is not customary to leave Tippet taxi drivers.

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