What should I see in Gudauta?


Gudauta is a very interesting city with no less interesting history. The city name received, thanks to the River Gudou, which proceeds in the territory of this city. The story of the founding of the city of Gudauta, goes its roots in the times of Neolithic.

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Despite the fact that Gudauta is considered to be a resort town, you will not have to miss you here, because the attractions here are so much that the eyes are directly scattered.

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Gudauta and its sights

Assumption Church . Located the temple in the village of Lohn. Outside the church, it looks very modest, but the visible simplicity is replaced by admiration as soon as they cross the threshold of the temple.

Rock monastery . Located in the village of Othara. The exact time of the construction failed, but presumably it is, the sixteenth or seventeenth century. Since it leads to it a rather difficult path, it causes a lot of positive emotions in tourists and lovers of history.

ABAHUCA Fortress (Abhaktsa) . Located in the village of Abgarhuk. Translated, the name of the fortress sounds like a "bonfire on the mountain." Such a name, the fortress received, for the reason that served as a kind of beacon. As soon as the enemy army appeared on the horizon, or the slightest signs, the bonfire was on the fortress, which served as a local resident with an impending danger.

Dacha Gorbachev . Everything is clear here and without words. It is said that the construction of cottages, led the spouse of Rais Maximovna. Get inside will not work, but it can be easily admired and absolutely free.

Dacha Stalina . It is in a state of reconstruction, but it is carried out very passively. Very strongly stands out against the background of modern buildings. At the moment, everyone can visit this historical place, along with the excursion group.

Mount Didripsh . The height of this mountain is slightly more than nine hundred meters. Among the seven Sanctures of Abkhazia, Mount Didripsh is considered the most significant. Here are the praying of the peasant genus Chichba.

Ruins Palace Princes Chachba . The most interesting monument of the times of the Middle Ages. At the moment, the castle is only the ruins, but he has not lost its charms from it. It is located in the meadow and from all of her sides, it is perfectly overlooked. It is not reliability when this palace was erected, since he has two layers of masonry and one of them, which was laid far earlier, was supposedly posted in the sixteenth - seventeenth century.

Sculpture "Hood and Uta" . One of the versions, it was these lovers who became a push in the choice of the city name. Very interesting and touching history of two lovers who were true to each other in life and remained those after death.

Memorial victims of the Latk tragedy 1992 . Memorial, was erected in memory of the crew and passengers of the aircraft, which transported refugees from Tkairela and was shot down over Lat's village.

Iolaga-Abyk Temple . It was built in the sixth - seventh century. Among the locals, it is more famous called "Gray Baba". What did he deserve a similar name? The fact is that there is a legend, based on which there was a property in this temple, the hostess of which was called - gray Baba.

Monument to pilots who died in 1943 and 1968 . Thematic monument that fans of history will be able to appreciate the story.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin . This is who will get to him, so this is a unmarried girl. Having visited this temple, you can ask the Most Holy Mother of God, about grooming.

Mussery temple . The most significant and even cult monument of Abkhazia. Was erected, presumably in the tenth - the eleventh century. Huge, massive and even slightly clumsy. When entering it, you begin to feel part of another completely culture. This place is necessary to visit!

Local History Museum "Abaziga" . Guests of the city, just delighted with this museum, because such exposures as artistic, archaeological and ethnographic are collected here. There are memory halls in honor of those killed in the times of the Great Patriotic War. Acts, also photo exhibition.

Stone Nagua . It is a reef black color, which literally envelop legends. Inspoke the locals about him, and you will hear a lot of interesting stories that are connected with this stone.

Department Store "Gund" . He is famous for his chimes, who were stolen by the Bolsheviks from the New Athophone Monastery and installed here in one thousand nine hundred and twentieth year.

Memorial Complex In the village of Lohnna. Located on a large area. There is: the belfry, open from three sides of the chapel, the lists of the dead are carved on the stone plates, and white concrete bas-reliefs serve as decoration.

Monument to the defenders of the Motherland in the war 1992-1993 . Looks like most monuments that are devoted to all famous sad events.

Monument to the defenders of the city during the Second World War . This monument is the pride of local veterans who are often coming here. It is a pity, only that there are no longer any such.

As you can see, Gudautu is very rich in the impressions of the city. Natural beauties and attractions, in Guadate, too, quite a lot and one of the bottom is, Blue Lake

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It is worth noting, there are also many cafes, rest houses, boarding houses and other products of civilization, which we will not describe, but they also deserve your attention as tourists.

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