What should you expect from rest on Madeira?


Madeira Island, located in the Atlantic Ocean, is a very popular holiday destination for European tourists. Because of his geographical location, the island is ready for receiving tourists throughout the year, although the weather in the winter is very unstable, often rains and fogs. The temperature in January is usually 15-17 degrees, in summer about 25 degrees.


Beach holidays on the island are very peculiar at the expense of the relief, there are very few sandy beaches and a common sunset at sea. Most beaches of the island are pebble. Some rocks form natural lagoon and swimming pools suitable for swimming.

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The temperature of the water in the ocean rarely exceeds 22 degrees, so many tourists prefer to swim in hotels pools. Those who love secluded sandy beaches are departed to the neighboring island of Porto Santa.


The main occupation of tourists who came to Madeira is hiking in the island. Madeira is famous for its leftovers - irrigation channels, which are laid throughout the island. Along them are hiking routes of varying degrees of complexity. For some of them, it is easy to go through the elderly, and children, some can master only people with good physical training. Walking in Levadam, you not only breathe with beautiful fragrant air, but also enjoy the amazing views of numerous Miradors, admire waterfalls and get acquainted with Flora Island.

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Madeira Island is unusually green, a huge number of plant species grows here, including many endemics.

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Rest on the island

Since there are practically no beaches on the island, then hotels compete in every way to provide a variety of services to the discerning European public. These are spa salons, balneological centers, and golf courses.

The cuisine of the island is very interesting. You can try exotic tropical fruits that are grown only here. In addition, Madeira is the birthplace of widespread strong maders, which is very popular with tourists. On Madeira there are many decent restaurants, including fish, so those who are important to the gastronomic component of rest may not worry about interesting and tasty food.

Thanks to its mountainous landscape, Madeira is loved by many photographers. Because of the thick green vegetation, the relief and picturesque houses of photos of the island are obtained beautiful even those who hold the camera for the first time in life.

Very memorable can be a vacation and fishing lovers. Almost in any city of the island, various fishing options are organized and, as a rule, all tourists are satisfied with the catch.

Despite the fact that public transport on the island works well, it is still better to rent a car for a complete impression of Madeira. But driving on the island is very difficult lesson, as the streets of cities are usually very narrow, and the cities themselves climb up the hills themselves, so it is first very difficult to adversely affect the driving of the car.

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As for rest with children, you should not forget that rest in Madeira is very different from the beach holidays at the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea. There are very few entertainment parks for children, there are no comfortable beaches, and walking with a carriage or with a child on hands are very complex in the conditions of the mountainous landscape. Therefore, it seems to me that rest with babies on Madeira is somewhat difficult.

Another thing is children of school age, especially movable and inquisitive. On Madeira, they will enjoy walking through the forests, getting under the waterfalls, climbing the pools formed by the cliffs.

Despite numerous festivals passing on the island, at the main time of Madeira, a rather quiet place.

There is practically no crime on the island, so if you could not find the company and go to the island alone, you can completely do not worry about your own security. Also, if you are hard to transfer the summer heat, a trip to Madeira in July and August will be a good opportunity to relax and restore forces. The island is very interesting for fans of outdoor activities. In addition to walks in the mountains, you can do various sports, including water, ride horses, bicycles, play golf.

Thanks to its ecology, Madeira is a very popular destination among tourists taking care of his health. Here is the perfect quality of air and water, as there are no harmful production on the island.

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