Wroclaw is always a holiday


It was that the impression remained from a trip to this old Polish city. This year I rested in Wroclaw in the first half of May. Upon arrival, immediately plunged into the atmosphere of a polyphic, multilingual city. On the central square of the city is heard not only Polish, and the German, English, Chinese, Ukrainian and, of course, Russian. I was struck by colored neat facades of houses, which are harvested by the market square (Rynek Wrocławski)

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There was a working day, but the square was cheerful, music, multinational excursions. I asked young people: "Today in the city of some holiday?" What was the answer, "infecting me" with optimism: "Spring, Mr ... Spring!" (Wisna, Panie ... Wiosna!) And the second young man added: "Lives only once" (żyje Się Tylko Raz). And I realized that I got into the right place, for a person who wants to break away from the life of the bustle! :)

Wroclaw is worth visiting the Panorama Racławicka (Panorama Racławicka), which is located at: Purkini Street, 11 (Ul. Purkyniego 11). Panorama Ratslavitskaya is a monumental exposure that displays the battle of the army of the costume with the army of the Russian general Tormasov in 1794. It consists of a huge linen of 15 sizes at 114 meters of displays the battle, and the space in front of it is filled with accessories of those times and their copies. This makes it possible to feel the participants of those historical events.

I was lucky that I got to Wroclaw in those days when the three-day festival of good beer was held here! It was a holiday and business people (trades of the beer itself and equipment for its production), and family recreation (the mass of brewing competitions in domestic and walking conditions), and music (Polish and foreign).

The main events took place on Novo built in 2012 at the World Cup of Wroclaw Stadium. There not only drank beer, sang hiking and pop songs, - here was held on a par with other competition for the best syrup (!) To beer! It turns out that the Poles drink beer with fillers - it can be sweet syrups from cherry, cherries, strawberries and the most recognized syrup - crimson. Call this drink "beer with noise" (PIWO Z Soczkiem).

I managed to become a member of the contest of hiking brewers :)

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Another attraction of the Wroclaw, which will certainly tell the rest, is the Wroclawskie Krasnale (Wroclawskie Krasnale), which are dispersed in the most unexpected places throughout the city. Most of all these metal keepers of happiness and good luck are located on the central squares of the city, - already sign the market square us and goodbye Solny (PLAC Solny). Entering Poles will sell you a map that you can easily find these fabulous characters to touch their caps - "For good luck."

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In addition to the churches, museums, shopping centers with huge and permanent services for the depth of the goods, in the spring of the Wroclaw can be infinitely wandering through the streets of the "old" city and admire the blooming magnolias that are planted here in the times of the German citizenship of the city.

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Night Wroclaw - full of mysteriousness and lights! Night clubs for all age categories located on the central square will allow those who are not tired, continue the holiday. And if you want silence, - walks along the night streets - one of the available ways to lose weight of festive clusters of the people and noise.

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Wroclaw - always holiday! Even when he sleeps ...

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