Canary Islands: Which island to choose to relax?


When the beach season ends on the mainland of Spain, many tourists make their eyes towards her island part - the Canary Archipelago. In Russia, the situation has historically developed that when we say Canara, I mean Tenerife, but in fact, Canaras are 7 inhabited islands, tourism is more and less developed on each of them. I was fortunate enough to visit 6 of them, and I would like to talk about the peculiarities of rest on each of these islands.


The most famous of them, of course, Tenerife. It is very popular among Russian tourists, which is completely justified. Possessing beautiful climatic characteristics, this island is interesting for its nature and landscape, as well as an excellent infrastructure for recreation as older people and families with children and young people. The popularity of the island is explained by the possibility of flying to him without a transplant in just 7 hours. A hotel base is well developed on the island, you can accommodate both in modest and inexpensive apartments and in luxury hotels with a huge territory, luxurious interiors and excellent service.

The island is large enough, so even for a long vacation can always have something to entertain and occupy. Here is the highest point of Spain - the Tadeid volcano, which is visited by almost all vacationers on the island.

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Availability of good beaches, good restaurants, nightclubs and amusement parks makes the island popular with outdoor lovers. Those who prefer beach holidays get enjoy swimming in the ocean, walks on embankments and excellent local cuisine. The most popular park on Tenerife is a Loro Park, in which a huge number of animals and birds lives. Parrots, dolphins and cats are held here. Another park of interest is the Water Park Siam Park with its modern water slides, pools and restaurants. On the island there are also several other thematic parks, ancient cities and picturesque landscaped attractions.

Tenerife is perfect for all categories of tourists. The only nuance - as the island is located in the Atlantic Ocean, even in summer, water rarely warms up above 23 degrees.

Grand Canaria

The second is the island's second is the Gran Canaria. The island is also very interesting and unique. Of course, the entertainment industry is somewhat more modest here, but nevertheless, they don't have to miss here too. On the island there are several excellent resorts, the most popular of which is Maspalomas, located in the southern part of the island. The resort is famous for its endless dunes and sandy beaches.

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Here you can stay in luxury hotels of many European chains. Vacationers from Russia on the beaches of Grand Canary is extremely small. For children on the island, Palmitas Park, Water Park and Sioux City were built. The island will like lovers of mountain landscapes, good beaches and people who are interested in a relaxing holiday away from noisy cities.


A very peculiar place is very popular with German tourists Lanzarote Island. This island is landscape and landscapes immediately showing its guests that it has volcanic origin. Visiting Lanzarote combines a relaxing beach holiday and an inspection of interesting sights. The characteristic feature of the island is symbiosis of nature and design: almost all of his interesting places put the famous artist Cesen Manrique. He designed a restaurant in a cave, built unusual buildings around the island, in an abandoned career created a very picturesque cactus park. It is Him who belongs to the emblem of the Volcano Park Timanfaya - a funny prune, which will meet you on the roads of the island.

Timanfaya National Park is an amazing spectacle: a variety of volcanoes that have different shades standing in the middle of a desert terrain where there are practically no vegetation.

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Here in the park, in the EL Diablo restaurant, you can taste dishes made on a volcanic grill and make sure that the volcano is not a wonder, but just sleeps. On Lanzarote, enough beaches, both wide sand and small, hidden in secluded bays. Due to very poor vegetation, someone may seem somewhat uncomfortable. For a slow inspection of the island in combination with rest, 7-10 days are necessary.


Nearest neighbor Lanzarote, Fuerteventura island, absolutely not like him. If the main color of Lanzarote is dark brown and black, then Fuertevetetur has a sparkle shade. The name of the island in translation from Spanish means "strong wind", and this is true truth. Fuerteventura - Paradise for windsurfers who come here from all over Europe.

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The island around the perimeter is bored with sand dunes, and in the center of the island there are mountains that form a very peculiar moon landscape.

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In principle, the main concept of rest on Fuerteventura is Windsurfing and Relax. There are no big cities, huge amusement parks, the infrastructure of the island includes everything you need, but no more. The island is suitable for a relaxing time or water sports.

La Gomer.

La Gomer Island Very often, tourists are visited within the framework of excursions from the neighboring Tenerife. In general, it is justified, as the island is small, and it does not boast of gorgeous beaches, noisy discos or modern amusement parks. Its main attraction is the Natural Park of Garagonai, where the relic lavary forest is growing under the protection of UNESCO.

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Isyugen Island and provincial. His capital, the town of San Sebastian, is a pleasant place for a day walk. His main legend and attraction - a well, from where, before sailing in America, Christopher Columbus scored water.

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The island is very interesting for lovers of hiking in nature. Hotel Base Islands is poorly developed.

La Palma

Probably, the least famous island of Russians is La Palma - the most green of all Canary Islands. Despite the modest dimensions, there are enough attractions on the island to interest the tourists of days at 5-7. There are some good beaches, interesting volcanic parks for which you can walk and watch volcanic crater. In the center of the island there is a very picturesque gorge, viewing platforms and the highest point of the island - Rock de Los Mucachechos. Next to her is the Observatory. A very winding serpentine leads to rock de los, so planning a trip, take this part of the inspection of more time. Near the city of El Paso, the center of Visitors of the Natural Park Caldera de Taburiente, in which many pedestrian routes of varying degrees of complexity are laid. Visiting La Palm, you need to understand that there is hard to entertain you on the island, therefore the main goal of the visit should be rest and inspection of natural beauty.

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The smallest island of the archipelago is called Herro. The island has a very diverse landscape, part of it is covered by the remains of volcanoes, frozen lava, the shores of the island are formed by high rocks and rocks. Despite this, the island is quite green, its central part is covered with thickets of relict laurels and ferns. On the jerro there are small beaches, covered with volcanic sand. The island is of interest to diving lovers. Currently, Herro is not very popular among tourists, as in 2011 there was a small volcanic activity.

Choosing a place of rest

So what kind of islands are best to choose to visit if you are going to Canara for the first time? Well, probably, after all, Tenerife. Here you can easily find the necessary balance between rest on the beach, cognitive pastime and numerous entertainment.

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With Tenerife, you can visit the island of La Gomer.

Second place, in my opinion, divide the Grand Canaria and Lanzarote. When choosing one of them, it is necessary to take into account personal addictions and preferences. Gran Canaria is more green and familiar look, Lanzarote is completely unusual and practically no vegetation.

Fuerteventura Island will be an excellent choice for windsurfing fans or for people who just need rest and peace. If you wish to arrange yourself a sightseeing part of the rest, you can fuse on Lanzarote on the ferry.

La Palma Island is for gourmets that have tried all the other parts of the Canary Archipelago and seeking something new. The island itself is very wonderful, but it is quite difficult for him. In addition, for many people who are accustomed to a fun and noisy resort life, La Palma may seem too boring place.

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