Bern: Useful information for tourists


Given the fact that Bern is a rather peculiar and very colorful city, tourists should learn a few features of rest in it. It will contribute to the most convenient, and high-quality rest, without any unpleasant surprises and awkwardness.

1. Arriving to Berne, it should be borne in mind that people here really love and appreciate their city and their country. The main feature of Bern is national holidays that are distinguished by the traditional celebration of each of them. What is one day of the city of Bern. All people are simply painted by national red and white colors, according to the symbols of the flag. And this should not be surprised, just having fun and enjoy a full-fledged, more colorful holiday.

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2. Local residents are very punctual, so be very careful, because even the slightest delay can be regarded as a sign of disrespect. All meetings and events should come accurately in the scheduled time, be it dinner or a business meeting.

If you were visible to visit for lunch or dinner, then it should not be late, after all, come 5-10 minutes later, you risk already staying without dinner, because you just won't wait, and become dinner without you. And local residents are considered a completely normal phenomenon.

3. Practically, the most popular souvenirs in Bern are the clocks that are worth buying exclusively in shopping centers and branded stores, the cost of which is varied only due to a particular model. It is not worth buying a clock in the markets and in dubious stores, because it is possible that you can sell fake.

A popular souvenir is also considered to be chocolate and cheese, which is most profitable to buy in large supermarkets, such as coal, which offer the most economical price of these products.

The excellent selection of cheese can be found on specialized fairs, which are periodically organized in the city.

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4. If you make purchases, you will place the Global Refund Cheque map, then when leaving Bern, you will be returned with 7.5% of the amount of purchases made by you, which is considered a return of the Commission.

5. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in each city of Switzerland there is its own schedule of work of certain institutions. For example, almost all stores and shopping centers of the city work on schedule from 9:00 to 18:00, and sometimes 19:00 on weekdays. Saturday is still reading a working day, but the duration of the working day is significantly reduced. Sunday is considered a day off, so almost all city stores, except for private, can be closed.

Remember that many sellers in large shopping centers speak English, so if you own such, you can always contact them for advice.

6. You can pay a map of the international sample in many restaurants and shopping centers of the city, mainly in large. Therefore, there is no need to have a lot of cash with yourself.

The best exchange points in Bern are branches of banks, because they offer the most profitable exchange rate. As for conventional exchange points, they are better not to use at all, because they charge fees for perfect services, which can be up to 5% of the amount exchanble, which is quite expensive.

7. Lunch in restaurants and cafes of the city, it should be borne in mind that it is customary to leave the tips, which make up about 10-15% of the amount of your order.

As for taxi drivers, it is customary to leave Tips, or to pay extra charge for the services provided, in the amount of 10% of the trip.

8. If the time of your trip coincides with the celebrations and massive festivals of the city, you should pre-book rooms in the hotel in advance, because their cost can be easily enlarged. If at this time you want to stay in a quieter location, then choose away from the center, or choose the central location of the hotel, but with soundproofed rooms, because almost all walks are noisy and cheerful, accompanied by musical concerts and loud crystalks of local residents.

9. An excellently developed transport system of Bern, enables tourists and travelers to travel in a wide variety of directions. For example, on buses you can get to any city district.

The best option for economical movement here serve travel tickets that can be purchased in automata located at all public stops. Machines take exclusively coins and do not give out delivery.

An excellent way to move around the city is bicycles that most locals and tourists use. Just do not leave bikes unattended so that they are not stolen.

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10. The maximum speed of movement in the city on the car is a maximum of 50 kilometers per hour, through the territory of settlements. On the suburban highway, the speed of movement ranges from 80 to 120 kilometers per hour. When renting a car, you will provide Vignette Coupon, which is simply necessary for trips by paid tracks of the city.

11. If you wish to rent a car, then you will need the rights of the international sample, as well as a credit card, on which the amount is necessary for the collateral. Persons under 21, as well as people whose rights are just a year, can completely refuse to rent a car.

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