Glitter and poverty Mumbai


Mumbai is a huge megalopolis of India, in which about 20 million people live. The most wealthy people of the country live in Mumbai. But, hitting here, notice the universal poverty on the streets and the largest slums in all Asia. Despite this, the standard of living in the city is much longer than any other of the city of India. For this reason, many people come here, in search of "best life. Low, manage to get out into people. The rest of the visitors or settle in slums, or live on the street. Earn residents who can (sells jewelry, balloons) or asking alms.

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One of the main attractions of Mumbai is the hotel Taj Mahal. In all guidebooks in Mumbai, the hotel is listed as a local attraction. Taj Mahal looks luxurious and pompous against the background of the prevailing poverty. It was in Taj Mahahal who first lit electricity.

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Local residents living in slums do not have decent living conditions. In these slums there are no electricity, with the onset of darkness, life is freezing here. There is also no hospitals, water. Everywhere unsanitary. In such conditions, people work, and in slums there are many small enterprises that are engaged in garbage processing. Women take part in the assembly of plastic and its subsequent sorting. Men harves metal barrels and manually spread them, making sheets. The garbage is so much that the inhabitants themselves consider it the main source of earnings.

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The population of Mumbai, like India, is divided into class - caste. Each Indian knows its origin, and to which caste it belongs. Distinguish higher and lower castes. So there is a caste of hairdressers, potters, garbers, laundry and so on.

Trains in India is one of the unsafe ways to travel. Here are constantly going to train rail, because of the crown on crowded platforms people die.

If you are in Mumbai, be sure to visit the island of Elephant, to get to the ferry. Elephants are not found on this island, they are simply not here. Tourists come to see the cave temples, which are about a thousand years. At the entrance to the cave, the famous Hindu Trinity is visible, and numerous bas-reliefs are carved inside the caves, which depicts Shiva.

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All women of India go to Sari. Sari - a piece of fabric, wrapped around the body. Before tightening in Sari, women wear a blouse and skirt. In such clothes, they go to work, down the street as well as at home. Hindus believe that Western clothing (short skirts, jeans and so on) causes vulgarity, and sari - elevated clothes, makes women goddesses. It is worth distinguishing the colors of sari. A woman who get married will be dressed in red sari with gold embroidery. Yellow sari dresses recently born women, and widows go to Sari without jewelry.

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