Rest in Lausanne: Tips and recommendations


Many travelers have a wonderful resort of Lausanne associated with excellent, very colorful parks, beautiful landscapes, spa centers and entertainment programs and institutions. A beautiful resort prepares a lot of recreation sites that will attract everyone.

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But, as in all cities and resorts of the world, everyone has their own characteristics with which tourists and travelers should be found.

1. Let's start with the fact that the largest number of travelers falls on a summer period, because at the very height of the season in Lausanne, in order to visit mass festivals passing in the city. Therefore, before you go on the road, you should book rooms in the hotel in advance, because in the summer the cost of the same rooms may easily be easier.

2. The city always reigns just perfectly exemplary purity, and it does not depend on the number of tourists annually. Therefore, for violation of public orders, rather large fines are envisaged in Lausanne. For example, trash should only be thrown into the urns, which are very many throughout the city. If you gathered in a park on a picnic, then it should be very carefully and carefully picking a place in the park, and it is also better to find out the current rules of the park, because not all the territory of the park can resolve such a vacation.

3. If you arrived in Lausanne at the city festival, you should know that the distinctive feature is that they are completely free, and there are no entrance tickets. Almost all concerts pass in the old part of the city, where numerous scenes and platforms are installed for the performances of artists. It is desirable, before the beginning of the festival, to purchase a program in which all speeches are described, as well as their start time. This is a very necessary thing, because for tourists it is much more convenient to focus on it.

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4. Public transport of the city consists mainly of trolleybus and bus networks. It is very convenient to move along Lausanne and on the subway, which is much faster. If you prefer to move around the city yourself, and also inspect the sights without using the services of sightseeing bureaus, then the best way to save on movements will be a ticket for public transport. Savings when buying a ticket is about 40%. It is sold both for one day and some, more specific number of travel.

5. In the city it is customary to call a taxi by telephone, or take a taxi that are in the parking lots of Lausanne shopping centers, or near entertainment facilities. It is absolutely not customary to stop the car on the street, because even if it is free, then the taxi driver will definitely stop.

6. I do not advise you to travel around the city on your own or rented car, because the city has a rather small number of free public parking lots. The disadvantage is also considered to be the fact that some streets in the city center are closed at all for motor vehicles. Even if you want to take advantage of a paid parking, I doubt that in the center of Lausanne there is a free parking space. Many tourists and travelers prefer to move around the city, in order to examine attractions, on foot.

7. In seasonal time, from April to October a month, there are bicycle rental points in Lausanne. In the city of such items, there are quite a lot, but the most favorable conditions provides a center called Lausanne Roule located in the Flon area. It is thanks to the bike, you can easily get to any area of ​​the city, visit the neighborhood of the city, as well as just spend time with benefit.

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8. Arriving in Lausanne, it should be borne in mind that there are many pocket thieves in crowded places! Always carefully follow your things and do not leave them unattended, whether it is a bag, outerwear or any valuable things for you. Do not wear documents and cash in your pockets. In Lausanne, there is no need to carry large amounts of money with you, because in almost all of the city there is a non-cash calculation system.

9. In the restaurants of the city it is not necessary to leave the tips at all, because the service fee is automatically enabled in your total account. Tips are also not customary to leave in a taxi. If you want to thank the taxi driver for the trip, it is enough only to round the amount on the counter to any amount convenient for you, it will be quite enough.

10. Buying souvenirs for yourself and its loved ones is best, and more profitable, exercise in large shopping centers and large supermarkets. Do not buy souvenirs on the embankment or in small stores of the central part of the city, because the price of the same products can be significantly overestimated.

It is not worth buying a clock on the rods of the city, because you can sell a fake, be it dear model, or cheaper. The purchase of hours is best implemented in specialized stores. The price of hours in them depends only from the model, and does not overestimate.

You can also buy wine from the wine as a souvenir, because Lausanne is surrounded by vineyards in which excellent varieties of wines are produced.

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