Bali - a little paradise on earth


I want to share my impression of a trip to one of the truly paradise corners of the Earth. This corner is called Bali and here the time as if it stops, breathes differently and all worries remain in the past. I spent only 5 days on the island, and I received a charge of energy and positive for several months. If you have not yet decided, on which island to go from the whole of the soul I advise, take a ticket to Bali, you definitely not be disappointed!

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The island is rather quiet, the hotel companies are small, but quite comfortable and equipped with all the most necessary. The sea is simply amazing, very warm and affectionate, and natural landscapes out of competition, especially I, I was impressed by the volcano Gunung Agung, an incredible sight. In addition to stunning nature and a wonderful holiday literally on the seashore, there is something to see.

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There are many amazing and luxurious temples on Bali, we climbed the numerous steps to the Sacred Temple of Bescash. According to the guide, this is an old temple, built in early 11th century. At the very top, a huge statue of a local deity, unfortunately, I did not remember what exactly, but the statue looks quite impressive. Here, as well, and next to other temples who willingly visited tourists many souvenir benches with stunning statuette and talismans.

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Another temple that made a strong impression on me is a deputy. He remembered for me for two reasons. The first is a break, which passes the panoramic road, honestly, the spectacle is already capturing the spirit, and the second moment is the presentation of the ritual dance, the local name is called his pebble. The idea takes place in the evening at sunset and it becomes even more exciting, bright costumes, intricate the television dancers, unfolds a real story in dance, it is worth seeing.

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What else should you have to see, these are the caves of Goa Gadzha, also very ancient structures, they say, at one time they served as shelter for hermites. The entrance to the cave simply cannot be ignored, as this open mouth of the bizarre God is artfully carved by the hands of a person. Inside also there are Buddhist statues and figures.

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From the date of the trip already passed several months, and I still am impressed!

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