Extensive sights Kathmandu


Kathmandu-Capital Nepal. A small state that is located between China and India. Local people living here are called Nepalese and Natural. Cars in Nepal have the most secured people, since the purchase tax here is 400%. Therefore, the main transport on the roads of the city is a scooter. It rides from two to eight people.

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On the streets of the city constantly heard noise and gaps. Each driver prefers to signal on the road when it is rebuilt, overtakes or turns, and when he sees a cow (sacred animal in Nepal) or an attractive girl.

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Stupa Buddhanth is one of Kathmandu's most famous sights. Buddhanth is a Buddhist temple, a stepped construction on which several hundred garlands awested. Garlands are multicolored flags, prayers are written on them that scare up evil spirits. Inside the temple is impossible, since its design is monolithic. There are a large number of prayer drums on the territory of the stupas, on each of them the words of prayer are applied. Nepalese - the people believes, almost all their free time they pray, are interrupted only for sleep and food, so at any time of the day, Buddanath looks like a large cycle.

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The Hindu Temple of Pashupatinath enjoys unprecedented demand from pilgrims from Nepal and India. According to the Hindu religion, the body of a person after death must not be bought, but burn. This is the most terrible and repulsive place in the city for European tourists. Here creaming bodies, and the dust are dumped into the Bagmaty River. Due to the continuous combustion of bodies, there are a lot of smoke and unpleasant smell on the territory of the temple. Each little man wishes after death, his cremated body was on the banks of the Holy Bagmaty River. Local residents, despite all this, bathe in the river, erase things, clean their teeth and rinse the mouth.

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In the city you can meet Sathu. These are local saints that renounced various goods. They pursue the goal - to achieve enlightenment. This manifests itself in silence for several years, keep your hand to the hand until it gets tired, etc. Sathu do not go through the streets of the city, they can be found in holy places. But you should not confuse local saints with charlatans, dressed in special clothes as Sathu. Fallen Sathi take pictures with people for money.

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The Temple of Polymbunath is a temple in which monkeys live. Around the stupa runs a huge number of aggressive monkeys. They are feeding here, and they are considered sacred animals. Getting into the temple is not so easy. In order to get into the temple, you need to rise to the mountain, having passed 365 steps. An incredible view of Kathmandu opens from the Temple Mountain.

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Palace Busantapur is an interesting place in which you should visit. In the palace lives a real goddess. This little girl symbolizes the live embodiment of the goddess Kumari and she worships all Nepal. Residents stand under the balconies of the palace for a long time, hoping to see this girl, it is believed to see a small goddess - to great luck. The competition for holding a living goddess is very strict. Girls are chosen in several parameters, ranging from the sign of the zodiac to the structure of the face. Kumari does not work and does not study, it is believed that she is a smart and educated goddess. The girl can not touch the earth outside the palace, as the spirit of the goddess should forever leave the girl's body. Many come to Kumari with requests for recovery. When the girl matches and first blood will appear on her body, then re-election of a new goddess will begin.

The main entertainment for tourists in Kathmandu is trekking. After all, it is no secret that the highest peak in the world is in Nepal - Everest. Mountain hikes can delay for a few days, and maybe more.

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