What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool?


A couple of tips travelers departing to Liverpool. What is there is interesting and where to go.

Children's houses of participants "Bitlas" (The Beatles' Childhood Homes)

What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool? 8352_1

Fans of the legendary group here will simply be sure to. The house where the childhood of John Lennon passed, the 30th anniversary called "Mendips" on 251 Menlove Ave. Here the great composer lived for a long time, from 1945 to 1963, after the divorce of his parents, when Lennon turned five years old. Paul McCartney House is located next door in the Forthlin area - there the musician lived 9 years old, since 1955, but it is not so popular as Lennon's house. And all because it was in the house of Lennon, their first music team was created, which they called "The Quarrymen", the first hits were written immediately for the Beatles, including "Please Please Me". To Lennon's houses and McCartney, unlike George Harrison houses and Ringo Starre, are with great revelation and bring them into the rank of the museum, because it was here that the great group was born, the rehearsals were taken, they wrote down the song and proceeded. Definitely worth a visit!

Radio City Tower (Radio City Tower)

What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool? 8352_2

This is the second in height of the city building (well, or the first, if you take into account its 10-meter antenna). The height of the tower is 138 meters, so the observation deck on the top of the tower is extremely popular: everyone wants to admire the chic species on the whole of Liverpool and the sea. The tower is open for visiting daily. As for the history of the Construction itself, the fact that the Tower belongs to Radio City 96.7 FM radio stations can be found on the inscription on the side. But initially the tower was erected in 1969 as a ventilation miner, although it never was used to appoint it. It is noteworthy that the opening of the tower was performed by Queen Elizabeth II. Until the very end of last century, the tower was called St. John's beacon, and tourists and rich local residents loved to gather on a rotating restaurant inside (the floor and the facade also rotated). True, the restaurant was closed by 1977. After that, the tower was abandoned, and only later became the house for the famous radio station. By the way, the movable mechanism remained untouched. Part of the observation deck was rebuilt under offices and conference rooms, and part left for curious tourists who are not afraid of heights.

Address: St John's Beacon, 1 Houghton Street

County Seshess House (County Sessions House)

What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool? 8352_3

Or the house of the meeting is located east of the Walker art gallery. Built in 1884, a construction with three halls for court sessions, the law library and a number of halls have a rich history. In addition to the court meetings, there were also cells here for the content of prisoners. But all these functions have no house for a long time. Today, the building contains offices and the National Museum of Liverpool. By itself, the building is quite interesting. Its style can be called eclectic, as you can solve the features of neoclassical and Victorian styles, but it is nevertheless it is believed that this house is made in the style of the Renaissance of the Venetian sample, with a neoclassical facade. The base of the house is made of granite, and the walls of the Taucan Stone. Eight dual columns on the main side of the house are notable, and the coat of arms of the County Lancashire is located above the portic.

Address: William Brown Street

Oriel Chambers Building (Oriel Chambers)

What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool? 8352_4

This is the first building in the world, which was built with a metal frame and glass walls. Later this technology was adopted by the builders of all skyscrapers. The house was erected here in 1864, although what we can see today is slightly different from the initial construction - in the middle of the last century after the bombing ages during the second world, an extension has appeared. And about 10 years ago, the building was completely repaired and updated new owners by putting considerable money to this operation. The five-story building with large, as if extruded with the outside windows, is impressive. Between windows on the front facade of the house, you can see vertical supports, decorated with tips that resemble arrows. This construction is included in the List of England Architectural Heritage.

Address: 14 Water Street

Hadrian's Wall (Hadrian's Wall)

What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool? 8352_5

The shaft is a huge wall of 118 kilometers. This is one of the largest fortification of Roman monuments in the territory of the Roman colonies. Once in ancient times, this wall was necessary for the protection of the empire from the barbarians. It is argued that the wall of stone and peat was built in 122 on the border of Scotland and England on the orders of the Roman emperor Adrian, in honor of which the construction was called. In the wall height of about 6 meters were 17 forts, and a deep ditch ran around. The walls were located behind the walls, to which the passes were conducted through the wall, between which small towers and towers with stairs were towering on the walls in case of bad weather. The manuscript says that this structure was built in less than five years. And then, and today - it is the most interesting and greatest building and a monument of engineering art. The walls are made by inscriptions made by warriors who were engaged in the construction of the fortress. The most interesting part of the construction is the holder Verkovicium - the Roman fortress Hausests. This wall is about a hundred twenty miles from Manchester, therefore, the path will take just over two hours.


What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool? 8352_6

What interesting places should be visited in Liverpool? 8352_7

Exactly. This unique place is devoted to how to guess, the history of the world slave trade. In 1994, there was an exhibition where it was possible to learn about the transportation and trade of slaves across the Atlantic. Absolutely exclusive institution. A museum fully began to work since 2007, since the year, when the country celebrated the 200-year anniversary from the date of the abolition of the slave trade around the world. It is worth noting that in the UK slavery has never been at the official level, but most of the transportation of slaves in the United States was carried out on the ships of Britain, and Liverpool was one of the main trading centers. Dai Museum itself is located in a pair of steps from the repair dock of ships, which transported slaves in the 17th century. In the museum you can see original maps of live goods, the objects of the life and culture of African peoples, which brought merchants for the purpose of profit. There is a hall in the museum, which is dedicated to the consequences of slavery in the modern world, here you will learn discrimination, degradation of some nations and the problems of developing countries. Entrance to the museum is always free.

Address: 3 Floor Merseyside Maritime Museum, Albert Dock

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