How to get to Rimini?


If you decide to plan yourself and organize a journey to the Adriatic coast of Italy in Rimini, Senigallia or Ancona, then you will not be able to get to the point of destination, using the services of low-cost airlines or, as they are also called, Loadostov.

However, the prompts about possible routes should be searched not only on the Internet, but it will not hurt to apply for advice to one of the travel agencies of his city, whose consultant can offer not only interesting ideas, but also inexpensive Tickets for a charter flight, at least one way. (As a rule, on low-cost airlines, the cost of the flight does not depend on whether you acquire a ticket simultaneously in both ends, or only one). The amount of commission fee for the services of the agency is so insignificant that it is accurately paid off by the preserved time, as well as what you get on your hands to the plane tickets, which will save you from extra bustle and hassle.

In principle, there is no significant difference, to the airport of which city of Italy (Rome, Milan, Verona, etc.) you will arrive. From any Italian airport in Rimini, it will be easy and not expected to get to the rented, directly in the airport building, car (detailed advice on how best and cheaper to rent a car can be found in the article "Car rental in Italy. Useful information").

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If you do not feel about the category of people who, by specifying the heroine of one famous film, and in a bunny, which is located around the corner, go by car, then at your disposal will be public transport, which is convenient, comfortable in Italy, and goes like the Swiss watch - exactly and strictly according to the schedule

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On the timetable of movement of trains, trains and intercity buses, as well as the most short, most fast, without transfers or with their minimum route, you will be welcoming to the Bureau of information directly in the airport building. In the same place you will be provided with cards of Italy, as well as settlements you are interested in, booklets with the schedule of public transport, addresses and phone numbers and other necessary information. An employee of the Bureau (for an additional small fee component of about 10% of the cost of one night stay at the hotel) can find and reserve your hotel room in any of the cities, according to your wishes and budget. About that "why is it worth relaxing on the Adriatic coast of Italy?" You will be able to find out on this page.

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