Hospitable and calm Betalbatim


India is a magical country. Once I visited, and fell in love unconditionally. Before the trip tormented by doubts caused by rumors and comments about dirt and cows, the royal walking everywhere and unceremoniously wearing the territory. But plunging into the warm arms of the Indian Ocean immediately upon arrival at the hotel, washed off all prejudices and doubts.

On the trip went with a friend and a girl. We argued for a long time, which corner of India to choose for dislocation. As a result, stopped on Betalbatim. The beach was a 10-minute walk among the shady thickets. We often passed this expensive, learned every pebble, run to swim even at night. Water at any time of the day was in the area of ​​+28 degrees. Waves are simply chic - 1m, 1.5m. There were two-meter. This is where you can get roaring and pocturally. We diluted under the incoming wave, then they dare and jumped to the next first, lay the belly and flew ...

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For comparison, they set off somehow on the beach of Pallemba, he is just an hour away. Dispelled, went away from the shore to the dolphins away from the shore on the dolphins, snapped in Shekel and ... decided to stay on the late disco in the open sky. Initially, we liked everything - life boils, the people are full. Pretty many foreigners: there are the British, and the Germans, Americans. All such fun and are configured to communicate - in general, an interesting audience. Also afraid of colorful characters in unusual outfits and with a specific appearance, such good for photographs for memory. They met an amazing order, although someone may argue that all sunsets are good at sea. Dancing organized not bad, incendiary music, cocktails, fresh sea breeze - romance. We danced right on the sand on the line of the surf. The remains of the incident waves tied heels. It was great!

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Now about minuses. In the afternoon, overlapped and sellers of all small things. The water is too turbid and a lot of algae swam, and no longer every day there. Our "native" foams are much calmer and peaceful. And we still upset the lack of high waves, the ocean appeared too calmly after our "Indian slides" - so we called the waves of our beach.

There was a bad excursion. For the offer of the hotel to go to the crocodile farm refused - too expensive requested. We have conspited with the taxi driver, so that it takes us. Live crocodiles in large quantities and many successful frames were promised. As a result, the road took time twice as much as we promised. Yes, and poor amphibians left only two pieces. But plastic bottles and other garbage in an innumerable amount was swimming in mangroves, through which we traveled on a boat in search of green cousac.

One of your favorite classes was to arrange night picnics right on the beach. From the evening they prepared - they purchased fresh seafood, which can not be purchased without any problems, without leaving the shore, at the locals for a penny. Located under the stars and under the splashing waves hamsted delicious gifts of the sea. It is gifts - because we took them cheaply, almost a task. I will mention and about the length of the night - on Goa unusually sharply dark after seven, at hand closer to the late afternoon they always tried to have a flashlight. If you have not seen the star Indian nights on the ocean - you did not see India. Let the country's business card consider spices, elephants and other attributes, but for us a huge moon and thousands of bright stars over the dark and mysterious ocean are one of the brightest memories of rest on Betalbatim.

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About Indians themselves can be said that they are premium people. Always be happy ready to take pictures or help take a picture. Do not be angry with animals and birds, (we witnessed how from the tables in the same Cafe crows periodically tried to pull pieces of food from the plates, but the Indians calmly reacted to this and did not raise noise). And they are still clean, many barefoot go, but the clothes are clean and carefully mapped. Of course, many beggars come across, the country is poor. Particularly sorry for kids - how our domestic censions stretch the handles and look into the eyes.

In general, if you do not focus on the poverty of the country and rejoice in the warm ocean, sunny and comfortable climate, low prices and friendly reception of the local population - Vacation has been a hundred percent!

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